International Youth Day 2018 – Australian workshops during August & September 2018
Celebrating International Youth Day Australia wide with meditation workshops. Everyone welcome β regardless of age!
Celebrating International Youth Day Australia wide with meditation workshops. Everyone welcome β regardless of age!
Meditation skills for the Young and Young at Heart! To celebrate International Youth Day, we invite everyone to bring along young family members, friends and students to our free workshop.
Please join us at our Gidgegannup Meditation Centre to experience true inner silence and connection to our spirit. Our Gidgegannup Centre is set amongst Nature’s beauty and tranquility to help experience inner peace. Sahaja Yoga Meditation is simple and spontaneous.
Grow deeper in your meditation and enjoy the beautiful vibrations of our Queensland country property. Learn more from our experienced Sahaja Yogis to experience the peace of true meditation.
Our renowned Music of Joy group will present their delightful and vibrant songs taken from countries from all over the globe. Their music with guided meditations can awaken the spirit within to make you feel meditative and joyous.
Sahaja Yoga Meditation celebrates World Yoga Day during June 2018 in ACT, NSW, QLD, SA, VIC & WA. Real Yoga is the spiritual union attained through Self Realisation and Meditation.