Sydney meditation workshop, Saturday 7th March 2020
Go deeper and learn how to clear the subtle system with practical clearing sessions and collective meditations. For newcomers and regulars.
Go deeper and learn how to clear the subtle system with practical clearing sessions and collective meditations. For newcomers and regulars.
Please join us at our Gidgegannup Meditation Centre to experience true inner silence and connection to our spirit. Our Gidgegannup Centre is set amongst Nature’s beauty and tranquility to help experience inner peace. Sahaja Yoga Meditation is simple and spontaneous.
Go deeper and learn how to clear the subtle system with practical clearing sessions and collective meditations. For newcomers and regulars.
Grow deeper in your meditation and enjoy the beautiful vibrations of our Queensland country property. Learn more from our experienced Sahaja Yogis to experience the peace of true meditation.
During this webcast, we will guide you through HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi’s unique meditation and present a history of Her life and spiritual work.
Webcast will focus on clearing and cooling the Right Swadishthana and Nahbi Chakras which are the seat of pure attention.