How a simple spiritual discovery has transformed the lives of millions
Shri Mataji had a unique gift that enabled her to awaken the dormant spiritual energy residing in every individual.
Shri Mataji had a unique gift that enabled her to awaken the dormant spiritual energy residing in every individual.
Celebrating International Yoga Day and the benefits of Sahaja Yoga – a transformational meditation practice developed by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi and practised throughout the world.
Discover the peace and joy within for mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being.
Come and join us to celebrate the oneness and completeness of your own being within.
Our renowned Music of Joy group will be presenting their delightful and vibrant songs taken from countries from all over the globe.
For the whole family • No physical exercises, postures or special clothing required • Free follow-up in-person and online meditation classes available.