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Sahaja Yoga meditation courses
Presented by Sahaja Yoga United Kingdom
Free online courses to discover the peace and joy within for mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.
Beginners • Intermediate • Advanced Sessions. No previous experience in meditation required.
Do as many sessions as you wish – no need to do all the sessions.
“When you become the Spirit, your attention gets enlightened into collective consciousness – it becomes, because this Spirit in you is the collective being.” – Shri Mataji (founder)
21 Day Course
21 Day Course
(With follow-up In-depth Sessions)
Hosted by Sahaja Yoga Meditation UK during February 2023

Topics and description
(Click below to expand to see session titles, descriptions and videos)
1 Day - World Realisation Day 2023
World Realisation Day 2023
“You must feel your depth” • Meditation & Music
Hosted by Sahaja Yoga Meditation UK
Celebrated Friday 5th May 2023
About Self Realisation
Each year, on the 5th May, we celebrate the opening of the Sahasrara (crown) chakra by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi in 1970. Self-realisation is the awakening of the Kundalini, a subtle mothering energy within us that connects us to the Sahasrara which is seventh chakra of our subtle being. This enables us to experience inner balance and joy through true meditation. Sahaja Yoga meditation provides this experience.
Shri Mataji was twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize and received the UN Peace Medal in 1989. She is the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation, which is practised now in over 100 countries.
The Subtle System
The Subtle System. The Sahasrara (crown) chakra is number 7 in the above drawing.
“When you get your Self-realisation, you become the Spirit. And your attention is enlightened by that Spirit. You become a witness of the whole world, like a drama. This enlightened attention is a very powerful means of spreading divine vibrations”.
“Self-realization makes us humble … replace temper with compassion … the more innocent you are, the more blissful you will be”.
Shri Mataji - Founder of Sahaja Yoga
Can’t wait? Learn more and receive your Self-realisation
To receive your Self-realization, join us and let yourself be guided through the simple process of Kundalini awakening and learn how to meditate. Suitable for newcomers and regular Sahaja Yoga meditators.
Above video is the recording from the Live Stream on 5th May 2019
"You must feel your depth."
"Firstly, you must feel your depth. If you don’t feel your depth and you are not one with your personality which is so deep, then you cannot enjoy the Self-realisation. First of all, you should understand yourself. If you don’t understand yourself, how can you understand other people? You cannot. So first this Sahasrara should be opened out fully: ‘fully’ means complete oneness with the Divine. That is not difficult. Only you have to meditate a little bit and then it will work out. It has worked out in many people. I am very happy to see, and meet such people in Sahaja Yoga who have achieved such a lot of collectivity and also the awareness of a realised-soul."
Shri Mataji - Sahasrara Day 5th May 2002 Italy
1 Day - World Yoga Day 2023
World Yoga Day 2023
Celebrated Wednesday 21st June 2023
Hosted by Sahaja Yoga Meditation UK
Attain the true Yoga - the union with the all pervading energy through Self-realisation and Sahaja Yoga meditation.
The Real Yoga
Real Yoga is the spiritual union attained through Self Realisation and Meditation. Traditionally, Yoga means union with our inner self and the all-pervading energy. Real Yoga is not physical exercises but thoughtless awareness meditation which is achieved through Self Realisation. Sahaja Yoga Meditation provides this experience for mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing.
“So this is your birthright. All human beings have this right to get the awakening of their Kundalini by which they become one with the Divine Power. This is the Real Yoga.” Shri Mataji.
About Self Realisation
Self-realisation is the awakening of the Kundalini, a subtle mothering energy within us that connects us to the Sahasrara which is seventh chakra of our subtle being. This enables us to experience inner balance and joy through true meditation. Sahaja Yoga meditation provides this experience.
Sahaja Yoga meditation was founded Shri Mataji in 1970. Shri Mataji was twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize and received the UN Peace Medal in 1989. Her meditation is practised in over 100 countries - free of charge.
The Subtle System
The Subtle System. The Sahasrara (crown) chakra is located in position number 7 in the above drawing.
“When you get your Self-realisation, you become the Spirit. And your attention is enlightened by that Spirit. You become a witness of the whole world, like a drama. This enlightened attention is a very powerful means of spreading divine vibrations”.
“Self-realization makes us humble … replace temper with compassion … the more innocent you are, the more blissful you will be”.
Shri MatajiShri Mataji - Founder of Sahaja Yoga
"This is the Real Yoga"
“So this is your birthright. All human beings have this right to get the awakening of their Kundalini by which they become one with the Divine Power. This is the Real Yoga.” Shri Mataji.
HH Shri Mataji talks about the meaning of Sahaja Yoga, meditation and the Real Yoga
"You must feel your depth."
"Firstly, you must feel your depth. If you don’t feel your depth and you are not one with your personality which is so deep, then you cannot enjoy the Self-realisation. First of all, you should understand yourself. If you don’t understand yourself, how can you understand other people? You cannot. So first this Sahasrara should be opened out fully: ‘fully’ means complete oneness with the Divine. That is not difficult. Only you have to meditate a little bit and then it will work out. It has worked out in many people. I am very happy to see, and meet such people in Sahaja Yoga who have achieved such a lot of collectivity and also the awareness of a realised-soul."
Shri Mataji - Sahasrara Day 5th May 2002 Italy
UK In-person classes, Websites and more Info
In-person and online Classes
Sahaja Yoga meditation offers free online Daily sessions, Courses and In-person Classes • All are suitable for both complete beginners and regular meditators. • No prior knowledge or experience of meditation required • Join at anytime, even if you miss a session.
All Online and In-person classes are Always Free.
Find an In-person class
- United Kingdom In-person classes and website.
- Worldwide classes in over 120 Countries .
- Group sessions held in a public venues.
- No physical exercises, postures or special clothing are required. Chairs are provided.
- No booking required.
Live online sessions and others courses
- Daily sessions, courses and events - Live and Recordings.
- 24/7 Meditation and Music Channel - All day, Every day.
- Sessions streamed on Zoom, YouTube and Facebook.
- Recordings available to suit your time zone and schedule.
- Interactive sessions available on Zoom.
- Join with computer, tablet or mobile device.
More information
- More about our Sahaja Yoga meditation
- More about Shri Mataji - founder of Sahaja Yoga
The Subtle System
Within every human being there is a Subtle System that comprises of energy centres and channels which look after our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. During the Course, you will experience to how to enlighten, nourish and balance the System.
Latest news & Support
Join the Course WhatsApp group for course news and dedicated support during, and after the Course.
Meditation Guides to download, meditative music, video and audio meditations and more resources and materials from this Course are available here.
Some information here is very ‘advanced’, so you should ensure you have completed the whole course and are regularly meditating so you can appreciate the information. Please don’t hesitate to ask questions about the material during the Course sessions or when you are in contact with one of our mentors.
Newcomers and regulars will learn how to meditate and experience true meditation. Over the 21 days, you’ll be guided daily by our online team through the three levels of knowledge and meditation experiences from beginner to intermediate to advanced. One on one help and workshops with group practice will be available.
This is a spiritual meditation whereby we awaken the inner energy that gently brings positive change within us – making us more balanced, peaceful and joyous. As you participate in daily classes you will notice increasing gaps between your thoughts and feeling more relaxed and spiritual. Sahaja Yoga Meditation is volunteer run, always free and practiced in more than 100 countries.
Join with Zoom for interactive sessions or watch on YouTube. All sessions will be recorded so you can also watch sessions to suit your time zone or schedule.
“We are all part and parcel of one country. And that country is of love.” – Shri Mataji (founder)
About the sessions
Through Sahaja Yoga meditation, we awaken our inner energy that gently brings about positive change within us – we feel more balanced, peaceful and joyous. As you participate in the daily sessions, you will notice the gap between your thoughts increasing and you will feel more relaxed, peaceful and spiritual.
About Sahaja Yoga meditation
Millions around the world are enjoying our free Sahaja Yoga Meditation since it was started by HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi on 5th May,1970. Her meditation enables en-masse Self-Realisation. Self-Realisation is the key to thoughtless awareness, also known as mental silence, and is the basis of good health and wellbeing. Sahaja Yoga meditation provides this experience.
Sahaja Yoga Meditation is always free and is practiced in more than 100 countries.
More details
- Presented by Sahaja Yoga Meditation
- More info contact [email protected]
- Daily meditations on Zoom, Facebook and YouTube.
- Other meditation Courses.
- Centres in 100 countries.
H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi’s 100th Birthday
Founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation
A Life dedicated to Humanity – From Freedom Fighter to Beloved Guru
On Tuesday 21st March 2023, we celebrate the 100th Birthday of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation. Shri Mataji is honoured globally for dedicating her entire life to the spiritual ascent of humankind.
“You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the Power that created you.” Shri Mataji
Her meditation – Enjoyed by millions
Her Meditation – Enjoyed by millions
Shri Mataji introduced Her unique meditation in 1970 which is now practised and enjoyed in over 100 countries, free of charge. Her foundation practises and teaches a meditation beginning with Self Realisation which awakens our inner spirit. As a result, we experience ‘thoughtless awareness’ in our meditation which promotes mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well being.
Join the online Birthday Celebrations
A day of meditation and talks by Shri Mataji and stories, music, song and dance by international Sahaja Yogis.
A Life dedicated to Humanity with an everlasting Legacy
Hosted by Sahaja Yoga Australia
One Mother’s Journey: From Freedom Fighter to Beloved Guru
Hosted by Sahaja Yoga Italy
One Woman’s Journey: From a Freedom Fighter to a Beloved Guru
Hosted by Sahaja Yoga USA