English Sahaja Yoga Meditation Courses by Australia


24th March to 13th April 2025
Presented by Sahaja Yoga Australia

Free online courses to discover the peace and joy within for mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. Daily live and recorded sessions for everyone – Beginners, Intermediate  and Advanced Sessions. No previous experience in meditation required.
Do as many sessions as you wish – no need to do all the sessions.

“When you become the Spirit, your attention gets enlightened into collective consciousness – it becomes, because this Spirit in you is the collective being.” – Shri Mataji (founder)

Daily live & recorded sessions on Zoom and YouTube

Sydney 8PM • Delhi 2:30PM • London 9AM • New York 5AM
Convert to your local time

Daily topics and recordings

Daily live and recorded sessions can be found here. Do as many sessions as you wish – no need to do all the sessions. No previous experience in meditation required.

(Click below to expand to see session titles, descriptions and videos)

WEEK 1 - AWAKEN YOUR INNER ENERGY AND ENJOY INNER SILENCE (Days 1 to 7) | Mon 24th Mar to Sun 30th Mar 2025 • 8PM (Sydney time)
DAY 1: Experience the silence within | Monday 24th March 2025 • 8PM Sydney time
We will experience the awakening of a divine mothering energy within us that gently takes us into a state of silence.

“Meditation is such a soothing thing, such a beautiful way of connection with the Divine, that all your problems get solved in that meditative mood.” – Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, founder of Sahaja Yoga

Download “Affirmations for Self Realization”

We place our right hand on our torso and head in certain places, such as the left hip and the forehead. In Sahaja Yoga, these actions and affirmations connect our sincere desire to become our true selves to our own power to become our true selves. The result is a state of meditation, free from thoughts about the past or the future. This is Self Realization. This process is covered in Day 1’s session recording below.

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DAY 2: Expand the silence of meditation | Tuesday 25th March 2025 • 8PM (Sydney time)

Learn how to calm your attention, reduce your thoughts, and increase your enjoyment of inner silence.
“Like a wheel which is moving, and if your attention is on the wheel, on the periphery, then your mind is all the time moving. But if you jump on the axis of the wheel, it is silent.” – Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, founder of Sahaja Yoga

Download “Raising the Kundalini & Giving a Bandhan.”

Begin and end your meditation with the movements described on this page. They help to bring your attention into the present and sustain the state of calmness and inner silence. These techniques are demonstrated in Day 2’s session recording below.

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DAY 3: Inner peace and balance | Wednesday 26th March 2025 • 8PM (Sydney time)
Our attention can move into the past, the future, or be stable, quiet, and settled in the present. In a state of balance we are able to surmount inner and outer obstacles to becoming our true selves.

“The Spirit will shine on an attention which is steady. Steady it. By balancing you bring a steadiness to it. Balance your thoughts, balance your eyes, balance your desires.” — Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, founder of Sahaja Yoga

Download Foot Soaking – A step by step guide

Foot soaking is a clearing technique that will greatly enhance your state of meditation. The technique helps relieve your energy centers of any negativity affecting the subtle system. The negativity is transferred to a basin of salt water. It can be done in the evening, at the end of the day, or any time. It’s very beneficial when it becomes part of your daily routine.

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DAY 4: We are all so beautifully made | Thursday 27th March 2025 • 8PM (Sydney time)

Our attention can move into the past or the future, making it a challenge to meditate. We will learn about the three energy channels, and how to balance them so that we can be in the present, and on the path to our spiritual ascent.

“You are an instrument most beautifully made, absolutely so beautifully made that once you discover it, you will be amazed as to what you are.” – Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, founder of Sahaja Yoga

Download Balancing Techniques

Thoughts are generally about the past or the future. Sahaja Yoga Meditation helps us to establish ourselves in the present, without any thought. We balance the left and right channels of our subtle system using these techniques. They are demonstrated in Day 4’s session recording below.

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DAY 5: Inner transformation through meditation | Friday 28th March 2025 • 8PM (Sydney time)

We discuss the innate qualities of the subtle energy centers (chakras) within us. We will learn how we can imbibe these qualities in our daily lives through Sahaja Yoga meditation.

“The first thing should be to watch yourself, that you are not reacting but you are experiencing and enjoying the silence, the subtleties, the beauty, the glory of your being.” — Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, founder of Sahaja Yoga

Download the Subtle Energy System

Download What do you feel on your hands?

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DAY 6: Using the natural elements | Saturday 29th March 2025 • 8PM (Sydney time)

In Sahaja Yoga we use the natural elements of water, earth, fire, ether, and air to deepen our meditation. The foot soaking technique helps us clear our subtle system and increases our enjoyment of the meditation.
“Only in meditation you are in the present and you grow in your spirituality.” — Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, founder of Sahaja Yoga

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DAY 7: What are you feeling? | Sunday 30th March 2025 • 8PM (Sydney time)

We will steady our attention and learn to identify and clear out the imbalances affecting our subtle being. Gradually, we’ll go deeper into our own subtlety, silence, and self-knowledge.

“Your hands start feeling the cool breeze. They start feeling the chakras of yourself and chakras of other people. With your hands you can raise the Kundalini, with your hands you can give realization. These hands become powerful things.” – Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, founder of Sahaja Yoga

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WEEK 2 - SPIRITUAL ASCENT AND THE CHAKRAS (Days 8 to 14) | Mon 31st Mar to Sun 6th Apr 2025 • 8PM (Sydney time)
DAY 8: Cooling down the right side channel with ice | Monday 31st March 2025 • 8PM (Sydney time)

We will demonstrate the cooling effect of ice to steady our attention and make us less reactive.

“All this temper becomes so cool and so beautiful. It’s very surprising. A very dynamic person becomes extremely compassionate.” — Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, founder of Sahaja Yoga

Download Ice Treatment handout

Using Shri Mataji’s photograph for meditation

We have found that by meditating in front of Shri Mataji’s photographs, our Subtle system comes into balance and is cleared through the positive vibrations that are emitted from her photographs. As result, we become more relaxed and calmer as we experience the inner joy of the Spirit in our heart. We follow the traditional respect and protocol of not placing our feet pointing towards the meditation table and meditate with shoes removed. We can sit on a chair or floor, whichever is the most comfortable.

If you wish to use Shri Mataji’s photograph, then it’s best to place the photo in a frame and use a small candle in front of the photo when meditating.

Shri Mataji’s Photo No 1

Download 10cm x 15cm

Download 15cm x 20cm

Shri Mataji’s Photo No 2

Download 10cm x 15cm

Download 15cm x 20cm

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DAY 9: Clearing the left side channel – Interactive Workshop Day | Tuesday 1st April 2025 • 8PM (Sydney time)

When our left channel clears out, we can feel how much we are loved by the Divine.

“Freedom must have wisdom behind it. So both the sides, the movements on both the sides, are wrong. So what is all right? In the center. Is not to get conditioned by anything and not to be ego-oriented.“ — Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

This will be an interactive workshop in smaller virtual rooms with experienced Sahaja Yoga practitioners. You’ll learn techniques to clear your subtle system and go deeper into meditation. This interactive workshop is only available on the Zoom platform.

SAFETY NOTE: We will use a candle to clear our left channel of imbalances. As a safety precaution, do not do this treatment if you are wearing loose clothes or near anything that might catch fire. Take great care. You can sit on a chair or on the floor.

WHAT TO BRING: Before the start of this session, please have these items available:
– A small candle in a holder or secured to a plate
– Matches or a lighter

Download Candle Treatment

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DAY 10: I am my own teacher | Wednesday 2nd April 2025 • 8PM (Sydney time)

We become our own gurus through the daily practice of Sahaja Yoga. We stop arguing with ourselves. We accept and follow our own inner guidance. We leave behind all extreme behavior, whether it’s over-indulgence or over-strictness.

“You have to be your own guru means you have to guide yourself. You have to treat yourself as your disciple and you have to trim yourself.” — Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Download the Void – Self-Mastery

Download the Subtle Energy System

Download What do you feel on your hands?

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DAY 11: Restoring our childlike innocence | Thursday 3rd April 2025 • 8PM (Sydney time)

We will focus on the first energy center, the Mooladhara Chakra. In Sanskrit, “Mooladhara” means support of the root. This chakra is the base of the subtle system. Its innate qualities are purity, innocence, joy, and wisdom.

“This innocence never gets destroyed because it is eternal, but it may happen that it will get covered with some clouds by our mistakes that we commit. But once you get your Realization, your innocence is re-established, manifests, and you become innocent.” — Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Download the Mooladhara Chakra

Download the Subtle Energy System

Download What do you feel on your hands?

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DAY 12: Connecting to our pure desire to ascend | Friday 4th April 2025 • 8PM (Sydney time)

Swadhishthana, the second chakra, is the center of creativity, pure knowledge, pure desire and pure attention. The power of pure desire within us guides our spiritual journey. Opening this chakra helps us to let go of our need to control, so we can allow the divine power to work things out.

“Thinking, thinking thinking, planning, planning, planning, planning, running. Ultimately the whole joy has disappeared.” — Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Download the Swadisthana Chakra

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DAY 13: Feeling contented in our daily lives | Saturday 5th April 2025 • 8PM (Sydney time)

The third chakra, the Nabhi, is where our seeking for spiritual evolution originates. When this chakra clears, we experience our own divine qualities of satisfaction, generosity and peace.

“There can be no peace in the world until there is peace within.” — Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Download Nabhi Chakra

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DAY 14: Unconditional love | Sunday 6th April 2025 • 8PM (Sydney time)

Let’s collectively open our Heart Chakra so we can feel our innate qualities of love, compassion, security and fearlessness.

“You become the source of joy, not that you only receive the joy but you become the source of joy, the source of bliss and the source of peace. Wherever such a person goes, it just soothes.”  — Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Download Heart Chakra

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WEEK 3 - THOUGHTLESS AWARENESS THROUGH MEDITATION (Days 15 to 21) | Mon 7th Apr to Sun 13th Apr 2025 • 8PM (Sydney time)
DAY 15: Watch without reacting | Monday 7th April 2025 • 8PM (Sydney time)
We will put our attention on the Vishuddhi Chakra to strengthen our sense of self-respect and respect for others. The power of this chakra also helps us to be a detached witness of the drama of life.

“The detachment takes place because you become one with the Spirit which is not attached, which gives you that light, that detachment from where you can see the whole thing just as a drama going on.” — Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

YouTube video for this day is coming soon


DAY 16: Forgiveness | Tuesday 8th April 2025 • 8PM (Sydney time)

To open the Agnya Chakra, let’s learn to forgive. This clears the subtle pathway to be connected to the all-pervading power of the Divine.

“When you forgive a person, what do you do? You accept the situation, to begin with, and secondly you forgive what you think has been done wrong to you. But because nothing can be done wrong to your Spirit, you just forgive because you are the Spirit.” — Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Clearing, Balancing and Meditation Workshop
This will be an interactive workshop in smaller virtual rooms with experienced Sahaja Yoga practitioners. You’ll learn techniques to clear your subtle system and go deeper into meditation. This interactive workshop is only available on the Zoom platform.

YouTube video for this day is coming soon


DAY 17: Integration | Wednesday 9th April 2025 • 8PM (Sydney time)

At Sahasrara we can let go of all our worries, opinions, and frustrations. We can offer them to the silence above the top of the head. This is where our attention joins the universal, Divine attention.

“Sahaja Yoga is like building first the pinnacle of the building, and then the foundation. Opening your Sahasrara was the first thing that was achieved. And then in the light of Sahasrara you have to watch yourself and see for yourself.” — Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

YouTube video for this day is coming soon


DAY 18: Meditation is a state of mental silence | Thursday 10th April 2025 • 8PM (Sydney time)

We enhance the experience of meditation by going deeper into the silence within us. Discover the power of a mantra, or prayer in Sanskrit, to clear our chakras and strengthen the state of meditation.

“Meditation is the only way you can enrich yourself with the beauty of reality. There’s no other way. I cannot find any other way but meditation by which you rise into the realm of divinity.” — Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

YouTube video for this day is coming soon


DAY 19: Going beyond the mind into thoughtless awareness | Friday 11th April 2025 • 8PM (Sydney time)

We will sustain longer periods of silence using the techniques learned so far.

“If you can achieve that point, where you watch everything without reacting, you are in reality. And then only the penetration into the subtleties of your surroundings, of your relationships, your friendships — the whole universe — dawns upon you.” — Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

YouTube video for this day is coming soon


DAY 20: How to prolong the state of thoughtless | Saturday 12th April 2025 • 8PM (Sydney time)

Our focus will be on taking full advantage of our self-realization by going deeper into the meditative state. We’ll explore the power of music to sustain complete inner silence.

“Now this happening of achieving thoughtless awareness is very simple and easy. But to maintain that point is difficult. We still react and we think. Anything you see, you react. To get to that point in thoughtless awareness is first to change your attention…. Try to witness everything…. You start enjoying everything that is there. Even a small blade of grass you can enjoy.” — Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

YouTube video for this day is coming soon


DAY 21: This is just the beginning | Sunday 13th April 2025 • 8PM (Sydney time)

Our focus will be on taking full advantage of our self-realization by going deeper into the meditative state. We’ll explore the power of music to sustain complete inner silence.

“Now this happening of achieving thoughtless awareness is very simple and easy. But to maintain that point is difficult. We still react and we think. Anything you see, you react. To get to that point in thoughtless awareness is first to change your attention…. Try to witness everything…. You start enjoying everything that is there. Even a small blade of grass you can enjoy.” — Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

YouTube video for this day is coming soon




Register for Courses

Please register your interest for our Courses so we can keep in touch with you.
Note: You do not need to register to participate in any of our courses.

Latest news & Support

Join our  the Meditation Support WhatsApp group for course news and dedicated support during, and after the Course.


Past course recordings

Beginners • Intermediate • Advanced Sessions. No previous experience in meditation required.
Do as many sessions as you wish – no need to do all the sessions.

Video topics and description

(Click below to expand to see session titles, descriptions and videos)

PART 1: Beginners

DAY 1 to DAY 9 - Awaken the energy & Know Thyself

Daily video recordings and resources for DAY 1 to DAY 9


“You cannot know the meaning of your life, until you are connected to the power that created you” Shri Mataji – Founder

Get your self realisation and start your journey of Meditation.

YouTube player


DAY 2: KNOW YOURSELF & KNOW THE UNIVERSE (Sunday 1st August 2021)

“Only after Self-Realisation, and only then, is there a direct experience of the Spirit. It then manifests its powers in the human personality, and it’s light enlightens the consciousness into a new awareness. The divine intelligence of the Spirit radiates on all sides.” Shri Mataji – Founder

Strengthen your Self Realisation and learn simple exercises to help establish and maintain a meditative state and to protect your aura.

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DAY 3: KINGDOM OF GOD IS WITHIN YOU (Monday 2nd August 2021)

Being in the present moment allows us to go beyond thought. In an increasingly busy, modern world, for most people this is a unique time. It’s a peaceful time when we can actually stop thinking about what is going to happen, or what has already happened. Learn how to balance your emotions and actions, so you can enjoy the present.

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“It is a myth, mind itself is a myth. And we can make computers; we also can make our own mind. So one has to go beyond this mind to know the reality, to know the absolute truth.” “So what is the truth? The truth is that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, these emotions, but you are the pure spirit.”
Shri Mataji – Founder

A channel is referred to as “Nadi” in Sanskrit. You can think of a channel as an enclosed passage. With the correct balance of the energies of left and right channels you can ascend further in your spirituality.

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“Truth is there is a subtle living power which is the Divine Love which does all the living work. All the religions have talked about it, all the religions have said that you must get your self-realization, your second birth, in different, different ways. And all the religions have said that there is this subtle power of Divine Love which is formless.” Shri Mataji – Founder

Learn about the virtues of the energy centres within us and how you can imbibe those virtues in your personality through meditation.

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“If we are in the ocean, our ship should be seaworthy. Then any kind of illusion is not going to deter us if we are seaworthy.” Shri Mataji – Founder

When the day is over, relax by soaking your feet in salt water. This is best done at night before going to bed. Place your feet in a basin of cool or luke-warm* water containing a handful of salt (water and earth elements). This technique is called Footsoak and is extremely helpful to calm down your mind and body. It also helps clear the ocean of illusion and assist the seeker to attain self-mastery.

How to prepare for the Footsoaking session

During this session, we will guide you through a clearing techniques to bring balance to your inner subtle system and energy centres. The technique is called ‘Footsoaking’

Before the start of this session webcast, please have the items below available so you can participate in the session:

Items required:

  • A Footsoak bowl: A plastic or metal bowl for soaking your feet. It should be deep enough so you can put your feet flat in it and cover your ankles, if possible. Fill the Footsoak bowl with cool or warm water.
  • Half a cup of table or cooking salt. (Not Epsom salts)
  • Jug or bottle of clean water to rinse your feet when finished.
  • A towel/cloth or paper towels to dry your feet after rinsing your feet.

Footsoak treatment
(We’ll show you how to do this treatment during the webcast.)

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“Freedom is when you really get to know your own powers which are within you. You see yourself clearly and start changing yourself.” Shri Mataji – Founder

Let’s learn about the emotional ups and downs within us and how to overcome them and keep ourselves in balance.

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‘Candle treatment’

This treatment is used to clear our ‘left channel’ of imbalances. As a safety precaution, do not do this treatment if you are wearing loose clothes or near any combustible materials. Take great care. You can sit on a chair or the floor for this session.

Before the start of this session, please have the items below available so you can participate in the session:

  • A small candle in a holder or secured to a plate.
  • Matches/lighter.

Candle treatment
(We’ll show you how to do this treatment during the webcast.)

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DAY 9: ONLY OUR ASCENT IS IMPORTANT (Sunday 8th August 2021)
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PART 2: Intermediate

DAY 10 to DAY 16 - Spiritual Ascent: The Chakras

Daily video recordings and resources for DAY 10 to DAY 16


During this week’s sessions, we will learn more about each of the Chakras of our Subtle System and how we can use Sahaja Yoga techniques to enhance their qualities and clear any blockages, if required. Please explore the information below to familiarize yourself with the Subtle System and the Chakras which will be further discussed during each day.

The Subtle System

Our Subtle System consists of 3 Channels and 7 main Chakras. The right and left channels are the physical support of our sympathetic nervous system and the central channel is the physical support of our parasympathetic nervous system.

Energy Centres – the Chakras:

1. The Mooladhara Chakra (Innocence)
1a. The Kundalini (Mothering energy)
2. The Swadishthan Chakra (Creativity)
3. The Nabhi Chakra (Peace)
3a. The Void (the Guru principle)
4. The Anahatha Chakra (Love and Compassion)
5. The Vishuddhi Chakra (Collectivity)
6. The Agnya Chakra (Forgiveness)
7. The Sahasrara Chakra (Integration).

Energy Channels – the Nadis:

A. The Right Channel (Physical and mental activity)
B. The Left Channel (Emotions and desires)
C. The Central Channel (Ascent and spiritual growth)

  • Our Right channel (yellow line), governs our physical, creative or mental activity. It is the channel of action and the future.
  • Our Left channel (blue line), manages our emotions and desires. It is the channel of our past.
  • The Central channel (white line), manages our autonomous functions ( heartbeat, etc…). The Kundalini energy rises up the central channel when we receive our Self-Realisation. It is the channel of our spiritual evolution, the Present.
  • The Chakras – the Sanskrit word “chakra” means “wheel”. These energy centers or chakras ( numbers 1 to 7 in above diagram) correspond to our main nervous plexuses in the body. Each chakra has its own qualities.

By regular practice of Sahaja Yoga meditation, you obtain the knowledge of your chakras, how to improve and look after them, in a very natural and spontaneous way. Your innate qualities start to manifest themselves. You can feel the state of your subtle system and by using simple techniques, you can maintain it in a balanced state.

DAY 10: The Mooladhara Chakra - WHAT IS THE BASIS OF OUR EXISTENCE? (Monday 9th August 2021)

Learn from beginning more about the first energy centre known as the ‘Mooladhara Chakra’ in Sanskrit. Mooladhara (Base Support) Chakra is the base of the subtle system and one of the most important energy centres in our body with virtues of purity, innocence, wisdom & much more.

“This innocence never gets destroyed because it is eternal, but it may happen that it will get covered with some clouds by our mistakes that we commit. But once you get your Realization, your innocence is re-established, manifests, and you become innocent” – Shri Mataji (Founder)

  • Guide to the Mooladhara Chakra – Covers the Mooladhara’s characteristics, its qualities and benefits and to how clear and keep this chakra in balance.
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DAY 11: The Swadishthan Chakra - CONNECTING TO THE PURE DESIRE (Tuesday 10th August 2021)

Awaken the pure desire within you to overcome all the stress, worries and over activity. Join us in this guided meditation to connect to the pure desire within you which will be your guide in this spiritual journey.
Learn more about the energy centre known as the ‘Swadhishthana Chakra’ in Sanskrit. Swadhishthana Chakra is the centre of creativity, pure knowledge & pure desire.

“The aim of your life is to seek your spirit.” Shri Mataji – Founder

Guide to the Swadishthan Chakra – Covers the Swadishthan’s characteristics, its qualities and benefits and to how clear and keep this chakra in balance.

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DAY 12: The Nabhi Chakra & Void Area - HOW TO RELAX AN ANXIOUS MIND (Wednesday 11th August 2021)

Let’s do a footsoak and clear the Nabhi chakra and Void area in our subtle system, which hold the virtues of peace, satisfaction, generosity and much more.
Join us in this guided meditation session to let go all the stress and enjoy the true peace within.

“There can be no peace in the world until there is peace within.” Shri Mataji – Founder

  • Guide to the Nabhi Chakra – Covers the Nabhi’s characteristics, its qualities and benefits and to how clear and keep this chakra in balance.
  • Guide to the Void area – Covers the Void’s characteristics, its qualities and benefits and to how clear and keep this chakra in balance.
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DAY 13: The Heart Chakra - LOVE IS THE MOST DYNAMIC POWER (Thursday 12th August 2021)

“The most dynamic power in this world is that of Love” Shri Mataji – Founder

Let’s learn more about the Heart Chakra, it’s qualities, characteristics and how to balance this energy center.

  • Guide to the Heart Chakra – Covers the Void’s characteristics, its qualities and benefits and to how clear and keep this chakra in balance.
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DAY 14: The Vishuddhi Chakra - THE POWER OF WITNESSING (Friday 13th August 2021)

“Attention should not be bound by your attachments” Shri Mataji – Founder

Let’s learn about the Vishuddhi Chakra and learn to imbibe it’s qualities of connection with the all pervading power, detachment and witnessing state.

  • Guide to the Vishuddhi Chakra – Covers the Vishuddhi characteristics, its qualities and benefits and to how clear and keep this chakra in balance.
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DAY 15: The Agnya & Sahasrara Chakras - FORGIVENESS & INTEGRATION (Saturday 14th August 2021)

“Forgiveness is the greatest weapon that God has given us.” Shri Mataji – Founder

Let’s learn to forgive (Agnya Chakra) and be connected to the all pervading power of the Divine through the Sahasrara Chakra.

  • Guide to the Agnya Chakra – Covers the Agnya’s characteristics, its qualities and benefits and to how clear and keep this chakra in balance.
  • Guides to the Sahasrara Chakra – Covers the Sahasrara’s characteristics, its qualities and benefits and to how clear and keep this chakra in balance.
YouTube player

We invite to our online workshop where you will have the opportunity to interact with an experienced practitioner who will provide a tailored Clearing, Balancing and a Meditation session just for you.

Please join in – even if you missed a session.
Join with Zoom for interactive session or use YouTube.
  • Please make the most of this workshop and please allow for 90 minutes at least.
  • Session will start at 8:45pm Sydney time.
  • These workshops will be done in very small groups where you will get a chance to interact with an experienced Sahaja yoga practitioner, and based on your situation and needs, a meditation can be facilitated just for you.
  • Tools required: Bring yourself with an open mind along with a Footsoak bucket, candle and ice pack.
  • We will do Footsoak and demonstrate the candling techniques in the main session which will be also available on YouTube. The personal interactive workshop in breakout rooms are only available if you join through Zoom. 
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PART 3: Advanced

DAY 17 to DAY 22 - Nirvicharita (Thoughtlessness) through meditation

Daily video recordings and resources for DAY 17 to DAY 22


“Meditation is the only way you can grow.. because when you meditate, you are in silence. You are in thoughtless awareness. Then the growth of awareness takes place.” – Shri Mataji (Founder)

Footsoaking and three channel balancing, followed by a Meditation and a talk by Shri Mataji. Also introducing a prayer or poem in Sanskrit to help empower the base energy chakra and strengthen your meditations.

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DAY 18: GO DEEPER INTO MEDITATION (Tuesday 17th August 2021)

Enhance the experience of meditation by going deeper into the silence within us.

“Only in meditation you are in present and you grow in your spirituality.” – Shri Mataji (Founder)

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Footsoaking and three channel balancing, followed by a Meditation and a talk by Shri Mataji – Founder of Sahaja Yoga.

We will also listen to a poem in Sanskrit to help empower the base energy chakra to help strengthen your meditations.

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How to stop reflecting after Self Realisation and going deeper into meditation.

“Innately, within us resides the spirit which wants to enlighten you,to give you the peace, the bliss and the joy of our being.” – Shri Mataji

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DAY 21: THE END IS JUST THE BEGINNING (Friday 20th August 2021)

Presented by our wonderful hosts, this session will guide you through the footsoak clearance, followed by Meditation and a Talk by Shri Mataji – Founder of Sahaja Yoga.

We will also tell you what after this course and how to continue with your journey further in Meditation.

If you have missed a few sessions, don’t worry you can still join this session and we will guide you further.

Hope to see you there for the Finale! 😇

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DAY 22: CLEARING, BALANCING & MEDITATION WORKSHOP - For Regulars and Newcomers (Saturday 21st August 2021)

We invite to our online workshop where you will have the opportunity to interact with an experienced practitioner who will provide a tailored Clearing, Balancing and a Meditation session just for you.

Please see the items required to prepare for the Footsoak and Candle Treatment before joining the Workshop. See Footsoaking and Candle items.

For Regulars and Newcomers.  Please join in – even if you missed a session or a new to our meditation.

  • Join with Zoom for interactive session or use YouTube.
  • Please make the most of this workshop and please allow for 90 minutes at least.
  • Session will start at 8:45pm Sydney time.
  • These workshops will be done in very small groups where you will get a chance to interact with an experienced Sahaja yoga practitioner, and based on your situation and needs, a meditation can be facilitated just for you.
  • Tools required: Bring yourself with an open mind along with a Footsoak bucket, candle and ice pack.
  • We will do Footsoak and demonstrate the candling techniques in the main session which will be also available on YouTube. The personal interactive workshop in breakout rooms are only available if you join through Zoom.
YouTube player


This is the next step towards your spiritual ascent and well being. We look forward to continuing this journey with everyone in the "Next 21 Days of Meditation".

Do as many sessions as you wish – no need to do all the sessions.

Video topics and description

(Click below to expand to see session titles, descriptions and videos)

PART 1: Let's learn how to meditate at home.

DAY 1 to DAY 7 | Monday 23th to Sunday 29th August 2021

Daily video recordings and resources for DAY 1 to DAY 7

Welcome to the 21 Days Intermediate course. In week 1, let's learn how to meditate at home in the morning and evening. The aim of this week is to give you the knowledge and confidence required to meditate at home on your own.


“Meditation is the only way you can grow” – Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (Founder)

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Prayer to Mother Earth


Morning Prayer



DAY 2: HOW TO END YOUR DAY WITH MEDITATION (Tuesday 24th August 2021)

During the day our vibrations and meditative state can take a hit, evening footsoak and meditation really helps remove the accumulated stress.

A meditation post footsoak clearance really helps ifill us our system with positive vibrations.

“…If you can do that everyday even 10mins it’s more than sufficient, don’t have to do anything in an extreme manner.” – Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (Founder)

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DAY 3: HOW TO MEDITATE IN THE MORNING (Wednesday 25th August 2021)

“Meditation is the only way you can grow” – Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (Founder)

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DAY 4: HOW TO MEDITATE IN THE EVENING (Thursday 26th August 2021)

“About 10 minutes if you can meditate before sleeping it’s of a very great help to you” – Shri Mataji (founder)

During the day our vibrations and meditative state can take a hit, evening footsoak and meditation really helps remove the accumulated stress. A meditation after footsoak clearance really helps to fill us our system with positive vibrations.

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DAY 5: HOW TO START A PEACEFUL MORNING (Friday 27th August 2021)

Meditating in the morning can help us sustain the whole day with great positive energy and everything just falls into place without much effort.

“Meditation, where you are connected to the All-pervading Divinity is the starting point in Sahaja Yoga” – Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (founder)

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DAY 6: HOW TO UNWIND AFTER A BUSY DAY (Saturday 28th August 2021)

Unwinding after a busy day is very important to bring back the balance in our subtle system and footsoak followed by a deeper meditation help us connect to the ‘reality’, take us into the realm of joy.

“Reality is only possible if you are in the realm of joy.” – Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (founder)

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Overview of all the chakras, Q&A and Experience sharing

The knowledge about our own subtle system and the chakras help us understand who we really are and how to achieve a balanced life within and without.

“The only way one can really understand what we are is by knowing yourself.” – Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (founder)

In today’s session we will also answer your questions, if you have any, and share experiences of some long term Sahaja Yoga practitioners to help you understand some real benefits of Sahaja Yoga Meditation.

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PART 2: Meditate on the chakras and imbibe their virtues.

DAY 8 to DAY 24 | Monday 30th to Wednesday 15th  September 2021

Daily video recordings and resources for DAY 8 to DAY 24


Know your roots and the base chakra to establish the balance between your inner and outer existence.

“An innocent person is really like a magnet and it attracts, he attracts, the people towards himself, just like a flower attracts a bee towards itself.” – Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (founder)

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Discover more about Kundalini energy, the Motherly Energy wihin yourself.

“Your kundalini rises. She is your mother. She is your individual mother and she gives you the second birth. That’s how you get connected to the Divine Paradise.” – Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (founder)

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Connect to your inner being and get creative to make an impact on the world outside.

“All other knowledge resides in the brain, while the pure knowledge resides in the heart.” – Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (founder)

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Enlighten your attention, understand what is attention, what is the movement of attention and what are the ways and methods of raising our attention.

“Now the best thing is to put attention to your spirit. If you start putting your attention to spirit, the sweetness of the spirit itself will make the whole thing very sweet and beautiful.” – Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (founder)

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Connect to your inner self and discover the joy of being content and peaceful within and without.

“Only the peace within can register whatever is auspicious, whatever is nourishing for your growth. So try to make peace with yourself. Do not fight with yourself.” – Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (founder)

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Become the pure spirit and become your own master, the master of your own thoughts and actions.

“When you become the Spirit, you become your own master.”

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Interactive workshop in smaller virtual rooms with experienced Sahaja Yoga practitioners to teach you techniques to clear your subtle system and help you go deeper into the meditative state. Interactive workshop only available on Zoom platform.

“We are all part and parcel of one country and that country is of Love” – Shri Mataji (Founder)

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DAY 15: DISCOVER THE INNATE LOVE & COMPASSION (Monday 6th September 2021)

Connect to your inner being and discover how to become a loving, compassionate and yet a courageous person effortlessly.

“Love that just flows, just forgives, is just compassion, is the most enjoyable thing, radiant just like the sunshine.” – Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (Founder)

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DAY 16: WHAT ARE WE INSIDE? (Tuesday 7th September 2021)

DAY 16: Who we really are? We are not this body, or this mind or the intellect, we are the pure spirit. So connect to your own spirit and discover your true self through simple guided meditation.

“The spirit is the only thing that is free within, which has no hang-ups, which has no habits, which does not stick on to anything, is completely detached and emitting joy to us.” – Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (Founder)

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The Supreme Source of Love
Beautiful documentary about Shri Mataji.

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The Spirit
Shri Mataji talks about the Spirit

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DAY 17: WITNESS THE DRAMA OF LIFE (Wednesday 8th September 2021)


If you are in a state of witnessing, that itself is a power. And that witnessing state helps you to win over so many difficulties of your own and of other people, to truly become a collective being, become a part and parcel of the whole.

“Witness state is not a mental state, it is a state of a spiritual ascent where you become a witness. Best way to practice witness state is not to criticise anyone.” – Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (Founder)

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DAY 18: DON'T FEEL GUILTY (Thursday 9th September 2021)


With your attention on present moment, you learn not to indulge into the falsehood of guilt but face every challenge with courage and conquer over it.

“Just laugh at yourself for feeling guilty; that’s the best way. Do not condemn yourself.” – Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (Founder)

Raag Yama
This music was played during this session.

Yaman is a sampurna (consists of 7 notes) raga from the Hindustani music tradition. It is one of the first ragas a Hindustani classical student learns and is considered to be one of the most fundamental ragas in the tradition.

  1. Raag Yaman - Flute


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DAY 19: BECOME MORE FORGIVING & COMPASSIONATE (Friday 10th September 2021)


Once you connect to your inner being and become the pure spirit, you learn to control your anger and manage your stress very easily. You become a more forgiving personality.

“Forgiveness is the greatest weapon that God has given us.” – Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (Founder)

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DAY 20: SURRENDER YOUR EGO & IMBIBE HUMILITY (Saturday 11th September 2021)


With the humility in heart and the feeling of forgiveness, we learn to surrender our ego and attain the complete peace within.

“Dignity is never arrogant. The sign of dignity is humility.” – Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (Founder)

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DAY 21: CLEARING & MEDITATION WORKSHOP (Sunday 12th September 2021)


Interactive workshop in smaller virtual rooms with experienced Sahaja Yoga practitioners to teach you techniques to clear your subtle system and help you go deeper into the meditative state. Interactive workshop only available on Zoom platform.

“We are all part and parcel of one country and that country is of Love” – Shri Mataji (Founder) 🌹

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DAY 22: THE THOUSAND PETALLED LOTUS - SAHASRARA (Monday 13th September 2021)


The seventh energy center within us which has thousand petals is also known as the Sahasrara Chakra, which lies on the top of our head. When Mother Kundalini reaches Sahasrara the lotus petals open and enlightenment (samadhi) takes place. You may feel a powerful pulsation in the crown of the head, followed by a melting sensation and a flow of cool vibrations from the fontanele bone area. This is the real baptism by which you know you are truly born again.

“So in Sahasrara, you must know what powers are there. There are one thousand powers, one thousand powers within you which are being enlightened. If you can understand that, then you will understand what is the use of having ego because you have such a lot of powers within you, which you have not utilized. We should use, but because of ego you cannot. With love you can. With love you can manage and you can do a lot.” – Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (founder)

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DAY 23: THE INTEGRATION (Tuesday 14th September 2021)


In the Sahasrara, the whole instrument is integrated. Each chakra has its place here. Only now do we go beyond the relative, above the three gunas (channels), and into the absolute realisation of heaven on earth. This is a country far beyond our wildest imaginings, so much more than our words can even seek to imply, our ultimate destination, stretching out forever.

“The Essence of Sahasrara is Integration.” – Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (founder)

“We are all part and parcel of one country and that country is of Love” – Shri Mataji (Founder) 🌹

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DAY 24: CELEBRATING THE DIVINE LOVE & JOY (Wednesday 15th September 2021)


Let’s cherish our Self Realisation by celebrating this divine Love and Joy which we have received from the all pervading power.

“Sahaja Yoga is a very subtler happening within us. It’s a very subtler happening and this subtler happening gives you sensitivity to Divine joy.” – Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (founder) “The most dynamic power in this world is that of Love.” – Shri Mataji (founder)

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Achieve your depth in Sahaja Yoga meditation.

Do as many sessions as you wish – no need to do all the sessions.

This Series is for those who have received their Self Realisation and have been participating in our online or face to face classes. If you are familiar with the basic Sahaja Yoga clearing, balancing and meditation techniques then this advanced series will help you to grow deeper in your meditation.

Video topics and description

(Click below to expand to see session titles, descriptions and videos)

Sessions 1 to 4 - During September 2021


Today we will learn more about the Mooladhara Chakra and the Deity governing this energy centre. We will also learn and meditate upon the Four Petals of the Mooladhara Chakra

“Ganesh is sweetest thing you can think of, even when you look at Ganesha; this Kautuk this innocent admiration starts flowing. Just think of him, you feel so happy.” – Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (Founder)

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Swasthika, Omkara, Alpha & Omega – Explained by Shri Mataji | Sahaja Yoga Meditation

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SESSION 2: AUM MEDITATION (Wednesday 22nd September 2021)

The importance of music in Sahaja Yoga : How to sing Aum (Om) 🕉️
Let’s learn today how we can use the sounds of three simple letters to clear ourselves. It’s truly Aum-azing.

“…You can say the logos or the first sound, the AUM, the Brahma… But this sound, the first sound, which is described as also logos I believe, is the sound of this Primordial Power, of this Divine Power that has created the whole universe.” – Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (Founder)

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SESSION 3: POWER OF CREATION (Sunday 26th September 2021)

“Love is the principle behind all creation, all vibrations. We say that God is Love and Love is God, because in its depths we cease to be. In true Love there is no “I” and “You”, there is simply the merging in the Spirit.” – Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (Founder)

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The importance of music in Sahaja Yoga: Singing Musical Notes
Let’s learn today how we can use the Indian scale of sounds similar to Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do to clear each of our chakras.🌷

“Music is very important for Sahaja yoga as you know that, through music the vibrations spread very well and one can go very deep into your own meditation through music.” – Shri Mataji (founder)

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The Swadishthan Chakra – the Second Centre By Shri Mataji
Shri Mataji describes the qualities of the Swadishthan, the second chakra of the subtle system, which is located in the aortic plexus, above our sacrum bone.

This centre controls the functioning of the liver, kidney, spleen, pancreas, and female reproductive organs.

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Sessions 5 to 13 - During October 2021

SESSION 5: EVOLUTION & PEACE (Sunday 3rd October 2021)

Different incarnations have come over the time in different parts of the world to take the humans further in their evolution. Shri Vishnu who is the sustainer, is the presiding deity of the Nabhi Chakra.

“So it is no question of one religion or anything. But these are different things which came in the evolutionary process of man, and all the evolution that took place in every human being is within himself, is recorded, and he’s standing on that.” – H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi”

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SESSION 6: THE VOID - THE GURU PRINCIPLE (Wednesday 6th October 2021)

The Void is located in the abdominal cavity. On the subtle system, it is shown as a large green area circling the Nabhi, with the Void itself being encircled by the Swadhistan chakra. The Void represents the Guru principle, the area of self-mastery. As the Kundalini rises and passes through the Void, the attention is enlightened and enables an awareness of a higher reality, allowing the individual to start on the journey to becoming their own guru.

“So you become your own guru. You start understanding what’s wrong with yourself and correcting yourself.” – Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (founder)

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Heart is the home of Self, Soul, Spirit, Atma, all one and meaning the same. Time and time again Her Holiness Shri Mataji has told us : “You are nothing but your eternal Spirit.” as if according to Her, Spirit is the only thing we had to become and realise, as if the rest becomes futile.

After realisation, losing our false identifications with body, mind, feelings, we really become that Spirit. With enlightenment alone we can take our attention to our heart and cleanse it.

“The governor is Spirit in the heart whose power the Kundalini is.” – H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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SESSION 8: LET'S SING & MEDIATE (Wednesday 13th October 2021)

Did you know singing is a great way to also help clear your chakras, open your heart and to feel the joy even more? So join us for a unique segment where we’ll meditate and then sing musical notes and songs to deepen our meditation experience. Bring on your best singing voices (no prior experience needed) to enjoy an ama-sing experience. “Music is very important for Sahaja yoga as you know that, through music the vibrations spread very well and one can go very deep into your own meditation through music.” – H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.

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SESSION 9: VISHUDDHI: A HIGHER CENTER | (Sunday 17th October 2021)

The fifth chakra (Vishuddhi) is the chakra of diplomacy, of pure relationships with others, and of playful detachment. It removes all our guilt and remorse when it is opened by the Kundalini, and gives us a kind and compassionate voice. The tendencies to dominate others or to feel dominated by others, the feelings of superiority or inferiority and all jealousies are removed when this chakra is nourished by the Kundalini. “We see our own acting, and the whole world becomes like a drama” – H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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SESSION 10: STRENGTHEN YOUR VISHUDDHI | (Wednesday 20th October 2021)

Let’s learn some simple techniques to clear and look after the Vishuddhi Chakra. Also let’s sing some melodious songs collectively to open our hearts and improve the vibrations of our Vishuddhi.

“Even at Kundalini when it reaches here at the Vishuddhi Chakra it makes all the sounds, “am, aam, em, eem, um, oom, rim, reem, lrim, lreem, aye, ayee, ao, aou, ang, ah” All these sixteen vowels are coming from the sixteen chakras or the sub-chakras or the petals of this Vishuddhi Chakra. These are Bija mantras of the Vishuddhi Chakra.”
H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (founder)

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Lord Jesus Christ is the deity of the Agnya Chakra. It is for us to remember that Christ was born on this Earth as a human being. He came on this Earth, and the task that was before Him was to enlighten human awareness with the sense of understanding.

“I forgive.” This is the greatest weapon Christ has given us. You just say, “I forgive, I forgive,” and you can overcome your ego. This is the mantra for this chakra…. You’ll find your Agnya chakra will open out and you’ll find your ego will go away. ” – H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (founder)

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Details coming soon

SESSION 12: IMPORTANCE OF MUSIC IN SAHAJA YOGA | (Wednesday 27th October 2021)

Did you know singing is a great way to also help clear your chakras, open your heart and to feel the joy even more? So join us for a unique segment where we’ll meditate and then sing musical notes and songs to deepen our meditation experience. Bring on your best singing voices (no prior experience needed) to enjoy an ama-sing experience.

“Music is very important for Sahaja yoga as you know that, through music the vibrations spread very well and one can go very deep into your own meditation through music”
– Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (founder)

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SESSION 13: AT SAHASRARA YOU SURRENDER | (Sunday 31st October 2021)

When Kundalini reaches Sahasrara the lotus petals open and enlightenment (samadhi) takes place. You may feel a powerful pulsation in the crown of the head, followed by a melting sensation and a flow of cool vibrations from the fontanele bone area. This is the baptism by which you know you are truly born again.

What is Surrender?

“It is not the surrender of your mind through your mind, but the surrender of your heart. It is absolutely the surrender of your heart.
Give up this ego, that’s all, and it will work out. I am trying to push Myself into your heart and I will definitely settle down there!” – H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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Sessions 14 to 21 - During November 2021

SESSION 14: MANTRAS SERIES PART 1: SHRI GANESHA | (Wednesday 3rd November 2021)

Let’s learn today about who is Shri Ganesha and how he looks after our first energy centre: The Mooladhara Chakra. We will also learn using Sanskrit mantras to help clear our subtle system even more. This is the beginning of the mantras series.

“Who is Shri Ganesha? How do we believe whether Shri Ganesha exists or not? It is a pertinent question. You have not seen Shri Ganesha, you have not known Him so you should not believe in Him. But it is a strange thing that unless you come inside you cannot see and as long as you are standing outside you will not believe.” – H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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SESSION 15: DIWALI - THE FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS | (Sunday 7th November 2021)

Let’s learn today what is Diwali and its significance as Sahaj Yogis (realised souls).

“But we have a special significance of Diwali, it’s a very special significance, I think: that the light, that we see here, you will see it always goes upward. The fire is the element that always goes upward. It’s always against the gravity, and it is against all that pulls you down. And the light of the Spirit is also like that, it always takes you upward. And the person who is a realised-soul is called as an enlightened person, because he has the light.” – H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (Extract from Diwali Puja, 14th November 1982)

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Let’s learn today how the deities Shri Brahma and Shri Saraswati look after our second energy centre – the Swadhishthan Chakra.

“Shri Vishnu’s seat is in our Nabhi chakra on this Nabhi, Shri Vishnu who is swaying on this ocean is the ocean of love. It is said that from Shri Vishnu’s navel, Brahmadeva was born (created), is true, and had to be worked out from the Nabhi. On this Nabhi the Primordial Mother (Adishakti) created Shri Brahmadeva, who fabricated the whole world. In this, there is no religion involved.” – H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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Let’s learn today how the deities Shri Lakshmi (the goddess of wealth) and Shri Vishnu (the sustainer) look after our third energy centre – the Nabhi Chakra.

The mantra for Nabhi is : “In my Spirit I am satisfied.”

“By integration, you get the power to do what you understand and you have the power to feel happy with what you understand.” – H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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SESSION 18: MANTRA SERIES PART 3B: THE VOID & 10 MASTERS | (Wednesday 17th November 2021)

Let’s learn today about the primodial deity of the Void Shri Adi Guru Dattatreya and how the 10 primordial masters that came on this Earth help support and sustain our guru principle.

“All these Adi Gurus and their incarnations, if you see them, they always had balance and always praised the love of God.”
– H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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Let’s learn today about the deities of the heart: Shri Jagadamba on the Centre, Shri Shiva Parvati on the Left and Shri Sita Rama on the right.

“The centre Heart is governed by The Mother of the universe. She gives us the sense of security. When you are at the age of twelve years, you see, the bone that is in front here starts emitting antibodies, it creates antibodies within you till the age of twelve years and then these antibodies are really the soldiers of The Mother of the universe. We call Her Jagadamba in Sanskrit language, and they spread to the whole of the body and wherever there is an attack, they inform each other and they fight it out. These antibodies are created in the sternum bone in the front side of the, we can say, the ribs, where the ribs meet, thoracic region, that part, they stay there, are created till the age of twelve years. “
H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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SESSION 20: MANTRA SERIES PART 5 SHRI RADHA & KRISHNA| (Wednesday 24th November 2021)

Let’s learn today about the deities of the Vishuddhi Chakra: Shri Radha Krishna on the Centre, Shri Vishnumaya on the Left and Shri Vithalla Rukmini on the right.

“Now we have to realize that Sahaja Yoga has spread a lot and in all corners of the world people respect Sahaja Yoga, but until and unless Sahaja Yoga is completely manifested within us, the people who respect Sahaja Yoga will not continue to do so. That is why it is essential that we look inside of us. The nature of Shri Krishna is that we look inside of us and see what are the things that put us in trouble. We should find that out. We should look towards ourselves, within ourselves and that is not such a difficult thing. When we want to see our face, we look in the mirror. Similarly, when we need to see our spirit, we should find out how to see it within us. Many Sahaja Yogis have asked Me, “Mother, how do we see what is within us and how we are doing?.” For that it is necessary that we ourselves should become very humble. If we lack humility, we will be clouded by our own thoughts.”
H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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Let’s learn more about Shri Jesus Christ and how he helps us cross the sixth energy centre – The Agnya Chakra or the narrow gate.

“…One must learn to Love and not to rationalize” – H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Lord’s Prayer to help open the Agnya Chakra
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom comes and thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven, give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom and power and the glory forever and forever… Amen!

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Sessions 22 to 28 - During December 2021

SESSION 22: MANTRA SERIES PART 7 - THE THREE GREAT MANTRAS | (Wednesday 1st December 2021)

Let’s learn more about the mantras of the Sahasrara Chakra, The Three Great Mantras.

“Unless and until your Sahasrara is open, all the blessings of the Divine Power cannot come to you” – H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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SESSION 23: THE FIRE ELEMENT | (Sunday 5th December 2021)

Let’s learn about the clearance and power of the Havan.

“Unless and until your Sahasrara is open, all the blessings of the Divine Power cannot come to you” – H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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SESSION 24: THE JOY OF COLLECTIVITY | (Wednesday 8th December 2021)

Let’s meditate to strengthen ourselves from within, and in today’s session we also share some lovely moments that we enjoy together as a family in Sahaja.

“Keep to the collectivity, wisely and earnestly and try to keep the collectivity together. Try to help to keep the people collective to enjoy together. Don’t criticize each other; only criticize yourself. If you are in the habit of criticism, better criticize yourself. It’s better, because these are habits also.” – H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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SESSION 25: THE EXPERIENCE OF GOD’S LOVE | (Sunday 12th December 2021)


“What is puja? Puja is also a means to enter into that Infinite. What is namaaz? It is a mantra to enter that Infinite. What is prayer? It is a rendition to enter into that Infinite. But, without permission, without connection there is no meaning to these. You can do as much puja as you wish, it is worthless. Only today a lady came to Me saying, “Mataji, I have a lot of heart problems.” I said, “What mantra do you take?” She said, “I say, ‘Om Namah Shivaya’.” Now see, the name of Shiva who resides in the heart, it is impossible for a person’s heart to be troubled if he has attained Shri Shiva. Now she is chanting ‘Om Namah Shivaya’ and her heart is having problems. How is this possible? I just thought of Him once and her heart became alright, Shri Shiva was awakened over there. What is the difference? The only difference between her and Me is that I am connected to Shri Shiva. I have taken permission from Him. If you have to go to someone’s house then you have to take permission from them. Now, if you have to go to Justice Vaidya’s place and if you go and bang at his door then he will get you arrested. But if you go to him with protocol, then he will welcome you saying: “Come, have a seat.” Without connection whatever puja and worship takes place, that too when it goes into extremes and out of balance, becomes harmful.”
– H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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SESSION 26: ENTER INTO THAT INFINITE | (Wednesday 15th December 2021)

“What is puja? Puja is also a means to enter into that Infinite. What is namaaz? It is a mantra to enter that Infinite. What is prayer? It is a rendition to enter into that Infinite. But, without permission, without connection there is no meaning to these. You can do as much puja as you wish, it is worthless. Only today a lady came to Me saying, “Mataji, I have a lot of heart problems.” I said, “What mantra do you take?” She said, “I say, ‘Om Namah Shivaya’.” Now see, the name of Shiva who resides in the heart, it is impossible for a person’s heart to be troubled if he has attained Shri Shiva. Now she is chanting ‘Om Namah Shivaya’ and her heart is having problems. How is this possible? I just thought of Him once and her heart became alright, Shri Shiva was awakened over there. What is the difference? The only difference between her and Me is that I am connected to Shri Shiva. I have taken permission from Him. If you have to go to someone’s house then you have to take permission from them. Now, if you have to go to Justice Vaidya’s place and if you go and bang at his door then he will get you arrested. But if you go to him with protocol, then he will welcome you saying: “Come, have a seat.” Without connection whatever puja and worship takes place, that too when it goes into extremes and out of balance, becomes harmful.”
H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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SESSION 27: CHRISTMAS PUJA 2021 (Saturday 18th December 2021 8pm Sydney time )

Sahaja Yoga Collective humbly welcomes you to the Christmas Puja 2021, streamed Live from Wamuran Ashram, Australia.

Please sit comfortably and enjoy the Puja!

“… everything is done by this Paramchaitanya. … For example, in Brisbane (Australia) when I was there I was sleeping in the ashram and a rainbow appeared. Of course I like paintings very much, of Raphael specially, because he has drawn the Mother’s face and the Child’s face so exactly; expressing the feeling of mother and the child. And imagine, that picture appears in the sky. And I didn’t tell Them to show that Raphael when I was sleeping. I was not even going to look at it. But at this time, the halo that was on the back of Mary comes upon the head. Means Raphael himself did it or, I don’t know – how can I explain … this Paramchaitanya is doing all kinds of things, and it does all this just to convince you about Sahaja Yoga. Because even now there are many who are supposed to be very rational, intelligent, educated who don’t want to accept. After all, if there is a Divine power, if there is something like that and is active, how can you challenge it? How can you say no to it? Because the powers are unlimited; it has gone into every atom and every molecule. It doesn’t do tricks like moving this from there to there, but what it does is to do something which is absolutely impossible. IT is doing.
So for us to believe in this activated Paramchaitanya is the only solution.” – H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (Christmas Puja 1995)

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SESSION 28: WHY ARE WE HERE? | (Wednesday 22nd December 2021)

“You all have been seeking, and seeking the truth about yourself. Where does the truth lie?

When are we the most truthful people? Where, at what point, we cannot deceive, whatever we may try? When it is heartfelt. When it is our heart’s desire, then we always try to go ahead with it. But it has to be heart’s desire not the rationality, not the brain’s desire. Because you can make your brain understand. Your intelligence can be compromised. Whatever is heartfelt you want to do it. You cannot be satisfied without doing it.

So, in the heart lies the truth.” – H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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7-Part Meditation Course

Beginners • Intermediate • Advanced Sessions. No previous experience in meditation required.
Do as many sessions as you wish – no need to do all the sessions.

Video recordings, topics and description
(Click below to expand)

Part 1 - Introduction to Sahaja Yoga meditation

Learn how to meditate and receive your Self Realisation with Sahaja Yoga meditation.

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Part 2 - 20 minutes per day for a fulfilling life

Learn how 20 minutes of meditation daily will improve all aspects of our lives.

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Part 3 - Using the 5 Elements

Using the five elements to improve our meditation. Learn how to use the elements like water, fire and earth to find balance and happiness.

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Part 4 - Spirituality, Yoga & Religions

Spirituality, Yoga and Religions – the common link. All spiritual traditions and religions have the same message and objective. Find out more!

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Part 5 - A practical approach to meditation

How to practice true meditation in modern times – a guide to an experience based practical method.

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Part 6 - Techniques to improve meditation

Simple and easy to follow techniques to get the more out of your meditation experience.

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Part 7 - Mantras & Affirmations

Learn how to use mantras and affirmations to improve your chakras within.

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Sahaja Yoga Meditation Australia Celebrates

World Realisation Day 2023

“You must feel your depth” • Meditation & Music

Celebrated Friday 5th May 2023

Watch live YouTube session and recording below.

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About Self Realisation

Each year, on the 5th May, we celebrate the opening of the Sahasrara (crown) chakra by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi in 1970. Self-realisation is the awakening of the Kundalini, a subtle mothering energy within us that connects us to the Sahasrara which is seventh chakra of our subtle being. This enables us to experience inner balance and joy through true meditation. Sahaja Yoga meditation provides this experience.

Shri Mataji was twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize and received the UN Peace Medal in 1989. She is the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation, which is practised now in over 100 countries.

The Subtle System

The Subtle System. The Sahasrara (crown) chakra is number 7 in the above drawing.

“When you get your Self-realisation, you become the Spirit. And your attention is enlightened by that Spirit. You become a witness of the whole world, like a drama. This enlightened attention is a very powerful means of spreading divine vibrations”.

“Self-realization makes us humble … replace temper with compassion … the more innocent you are, the more blissful you will be”.

Shri Mataji - Founder of Sahaja Yoga


Can’t wait? Learn more and receive your Self-realisation

To receive your Self-realization, join us and let yourself be guided through the simple process of Kundalini awakening and learn how to meditate. Suitable for newcomers and regular Sahaja Yoga meditators.

Above video is the recording from the Live Stream on 5th May 2019

"You must feel your depth."

"Firstly, you must feel your depth. If you don’t feel your depth and you are not one with your personality which is so deep, then you cannot enjoy the Self-realisation. First of all, you should understand yourself. If you don’t understand yourself, how can you understand other people? You cannot. So first this Sahasrara should be opened out fully: ‘fully’ means complete oneness with the Divine. That is not difficult. Only you have to meditate a little bit and then it will work out. It has worked out in many people. I am very happy to see, and meet such people in Sahaja Yoga who have achieved such a lot of collectivity and also the awareness of a realised-soul."

Shri Mataji - Sahasrara Day 5th May 2002 Italy

World Yoga Day 2023

Celebrated 21st June 2023

Hosted by Sahaja Yoga Meditation Australia

Attain the true Yoga - the union with the all pervading energy through Self-realisation and Sahaja Yoga meditation.

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The Real Yoga

Real Yoga is the spiritual union attained through Self Realisation and Meditation. Traditionally, Yoga means union with our inner self and the all-pervading energy. Real Yoga is not physical exercises but thoughtless awareness meditation which is achieved through Self Realisation. Sahaja Yoga Meditation provides this experience for mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing.

“So this is your birthright. All human beings have this right to get the awakening of their Kundalini by which they become one with the Divine Power. This is the Real Yoga.” Shri Mataji.

About Self Realisation

Self-realisation is the awakening of the Kundalini, a subtle mothering energy within us that connects us to the Sahasrara which is seventh chakra of our subtle being. This enables us to experience inner balance and joy through true meditation. Sahaja Yoga meditation provides this experience.

Sahaja Yoga meditation was founded Shri Mataji in 1970. Shri Mataji was twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize and received the UN Peace Medal in 1989. Her meditation is practised in over 100 countries - free of charge.

The Subtle System

The Subtle System. The Sahasrara (crown) chakra is located in position number 7 in the above drawing.

“When you get your Self-realisation, you become the Spirit. And your attention is enlightened by that Spirit. You become a witness of the whole world, like a drama. This enlightened attention is a very powerful means of spreading divine vibrations”.

“Self-realization makes us humble … replace temper with compassion … the more innocent you are, the more blissful you will be”.

Shri MatajiShri Mataji - Founder of Sahaja Yoga

"This is the Real Yoga"

“So this is your birthright. All human beings have this right to get the awakening of their Kundalini by which they become one with the Divine Power. This is the Real Yoga.” Shri Mataji.

HH Shri Mataji talks about the meaning of Sahaja Yoga, meditation and the Real Yoga

"You must feel your depth."

"Firstly, you must feel your depth. If you don’t feel your depth and you are not one with your personality which is so deep, then you cannot enjoy the Self-realisation. First of all, you should understand yourself. If you don’t understand yourself, how can you understand other people? You cannot. So first this Sahasrara should be opened out fully: ‘fully’ means complete oneness with the Divine. That is not difficult. Only you have to meditate a little bit and then it will work out. It has worked out in many people. I am very happy to see, and meet such people in Sahaja Yoga who have achieved such a lot of collectivity and also the awareness of a realised-soul."

Shri Mataji - Sahasrara Day 5th May 2002 Italy

Online meditations

Live meditation 24/7

All day and every day – Guided meditations, talks, music and more!

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2 minute by Shri Mataji

Shri Mataji will awaken your inner being so you can start doing Sahaja Yoga meditation.

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3 minute quiet meditation

Sit quietly for 3 minutes with your hands palm-up on lap. Eyes can be open or closed.


In-person and online Classes

Sahaja Yoga meditation offers free online Daily sessions, Courses and In-person Classes • All are suitable for both complete beginners and regular meditators. • No prior knowledge or experience of meditation required • Join at anytime, even if you miss a session.
All Online and In-person classes are Always Free.

Find an In-person class

Live online sessions and others courses

More information


The Subtle System

Within every human being there is a Subtle System that comprises of energy centres and channels which look after our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. During the Course, you will experience to how to enlighten, nourish and balance the System.

Diagram of The Subtle System

Animation of the Kundalini (Mothering energy) rising

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“Thank you each and everyone for these session, it brings so much relax and peace after meditation.”

“Thank you hosts for taking us through this beautiful experience.”


Meditation Guides to download, meditative music, video and audio meditations and more resources and materials from these Course are available here.

Some information here is very ‘advanced’, so you should ensure you have completed the whole course and are regularly meditating so you can appreciate the information. Please don’t hesitate to ask questions about the material via our WhatsApp groups (please see link above).



Question & Answer Sessions

This is a compilation of Questions & Answers from the sessions that are held after some of the daily meditation sessions. Participants submit questions to our Sahaja Yoga practitioners regarding Sahaja Yoga techniques. Answers provided should not be treated as medical advice.

Question & Answer Sessions
Does the Kundalini remain awakened for years?

Q) Does the Kundalini remain awakened  for years? (Had an experience in 2015 but couldn’t feel anything today)

A) It will not remain awakened. We need to meditate regularly so that our kundalini rises more and  more  to establish our Self realisation.

What’s the translation of Sahaja?

Q) What’s the Sanskrit translation of Sahaja ?

A) Sahaja Means: Spontaneous, Yoga means: Connection with Divine

Spontaneous union with the Divine and it come naturally

What is thoughtless awareness?
Q) What is thoughtless awareness?
A) Thoughtless awareness is the state where our mind is not swinging to the past or the future but we are thoughtless (in mental silence) but at the same time aware of our surroundings and what we are feel.
It was great - still no cool breeze.
Q) It was great – still no cool breeze. Did have vibrations in hands, however. Thank you everyone!
A) Your hands will be able to feel the cool breeze over time with regular practice.
Feeling sleepy in meditation

Q) I laid down for 10 mins as I got sleepy between the meditation.. is it okay?

A) If there is an obstacle in your left side of the stomach or You tend to sleep. Do the below step for a few min you will feel better.

Action :-  Place your  left palm on your lap and the right palm on the earth.

Affirmation:-  MotherPlease cleanse my left channel

Can we stretch our legs while meditating?
Q) Can we stretch our legs while meditating?

A) Slightly we can move our hands and legs a little bit, make ourselves comfortable with sitting position with the light movement of your hands and legs. Sit comfortably on a chair, or on the sofa. But our focus is on the experience of Self Realisation is not disturbed.
If you’re not well you can relax comfortably.

I feel Kundalini very powerfully
Q) Sometimes, randomly outside of meditation, I feel kundalini very powerfully; like cold flames bursting from my head and palms. Is this normal/OK?

A) You may feel this experience in form of the cool breeze flowing on the top of the head. Based on the place you are there, if it is an awakened place or if your attention is on the top the head you may feel the cool breeze flowing.

Can I continue with daily breathing exercises
Q) I do daily breathing exercises; can I continue while doing 21 days meditation

A) You can use breathing exercises, as you can see in our Sahaja yoga sessions we use other exercises like Affirmations and left and right balancing techniques that cleanse us inside. So try regularly these exercises as affirmations , music also as a practise it will help you.

Do we need to sit straight?
Q) Do we need to sit straight? Can we seat however we want?

A) It’s always advisable to sit in a comfortable manner on a floor or on a chair but while sitting in any position, we should not slouch. It’s good to keep our back straight but not to such an extent that it starts hurting. When we are comfortable then only we will be able to focus otherwise the senses of the body will keep distracting us. So better to sit straight but in a comfortable manner so that Kundalini can rise and pierce through our chakras.

Physical and mental health problems
Q) If you have a lot of complex illnesses, physical and mental health problems do you have to be careful about doing the meditations or will it be more painful?

A) There is no pain in Sahaja Yoga. But you can use particular treatment for your mental or physical illness.
Many physical and mental illnesses are caused by imbalances in our subtle system. As the kundalini rises through Sahaja Yoga meditation, it gently cleanses the blockages in our subtle system and nurtures it, like a mother caring for her child. There are also many different Sahaj techniques that could help treating the root cause of the problem through our subtle system.

What is yog Nidra?
Q) What is yog Nidra?

A) It’s a state where a person is not aware of the outside world and goes completely in the inner world where as in “Sahaja Yoga” we are fully aware of our surroundings and try to be in thoughtlessness – thoughtless awareness state

What can you do if you weren’t able to relax concentrate?
Q) What can you do if you weren’t able to relax concentrate or keep focus

A) Many times it happens that we are not able to focus and relax so it’s best to do meditation with music. If it’s difficult for you to close your eyes, then don’t force yourself to just open your eyes. Feel the music inside your being and then when you feel a sense of peace then close your eyes . You can also see the flame of a lamp. It also helps in calming you down and taking away all your thoughts troubling your mind.

In both hands should we feel cool?
Q) In both hands should we feel cool?

A) Yes. It’s always good to feel cool on both the hands but sometimes our left side energy is more consumed up then our right side and vice versa so the vibrations and coolness might vary in different hands. This also means we have to balance our right and left side.

Does this meditation help our worldly life?
Q) Does this meditation help our worldly life or is it only for a cool feel?

A) This meditation will bring a balance in your worldly life. When your chakras get cleansed, all your mental, social, financial, spiritual problems will be getting better from the roots as the problems are getting solved.

Can we stretch our legs while meditating?

Q) Can we stretch our legs while meditating?

A) Slightly we can move our hands and legs a little bit, make ourselves comfortable with sitting position with the light movement of your hands and legs.Sit comfortably on a chair, or on the sofa. But our focus is on the experience of self realisation is not disturbed.

If you’re not well you can relax comfortably.

Rocking during the meditation

Q) I started rocking a little bit during the meditation. Is this okay?

A) Sometimes it may be felt  during Kundalini rising as it is rising clearing out our inner channels and you may feel some sensations and  this is reduced by regular Sahaja yoga  meditation practise

Close our crown chakra after meditation?

Q) Do we need to close our crown chakra after meditation?

A) We don’t really have to do that with our Crown chakra. If you see while doing the bandhan, we are tying our own energy at top of our head so that our attention is stabilised and we become thoughtless


Q) I didn’t feel any tingling session.What I did wrong?

A) With regular Practise of Sahaja Yoga meditation, we can feel this rise of kundalini within us and on the hands.

No cool

Q) I did not felt cool please tell why

A) It’s fine not to feel the cool breeze at first instance, maybe due to some blockages in our subtle system . Once you start meditating then kundalini will rise and clear your blockages and open up the petals of your chakras . When blossoming will start inside you then you can feel the bloom in your senses as a cool breeze .
