Our podcasts provide listeners with guided meditations, guest speakers, music and more details about the Sahaja Yoga meditation technique. There’s also an opportunity to hear a talk by Shri Mataji (founder).
People tell us how much they enjoy the depth of ‘collective’ meditation when they attend weekly classes. But for the times when it’s just not possible to attend, or you’re in a remote location, there are podcasts*.
Listen to a selection of our podcasts on your computer, tablet and mobile device.
How to get the podcasts?
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Selection of our podcasts…
Considering meditation
Dr Ramesh joins Brian to discuss the importance of stopping the brain from thinking when meditating to achieve mental silence. This is the state of Thoughtless Awareness for the Sahasrara, seventh chakra of our subtle system.
The experience of Self Realisation
With explanations, music and guided meditations.
Manifestation of the Kundalini energy
Manifestation of the Kundalini energy on our central nervous system via the three channels of energy, our vibrations and how they can help us on our spiritual journey.
*What’s a podcast? A podcast is a series of audio or video files that you can listen directly, stream or download individually or ‘subscribe to’ using a podcatching program like iTunes. When you subscribe to a podcast, your podcatching program will give you the option to automatically stream or download new episodes when they become available.