World Realisation Day 2023 – Arabic

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Sahaja Yoga Meditation Arabic Community Celebrates

يوم التحقيق الذاتي

نحتفل مع تأمل الساهاجا يوغا والموسيقى


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About Self Realisation

كل سنة في 05 آيار (مايو) نحتفل بفتح شاكرا الساهازرارا من قبل شري ماتاجي نرمالا ديفي في 1970.
التحقيق الذاتي هو إيقاظ ام توعية الكونداليني، طاقة أم رقيقة ولطيفة بداخلنا والتي تصلنا بسابع شاكرا على جهازنا العصبي الدقيق. وهذا يمكننا الحصول على التوازن بداخلنا والفرح من خلال التأمل الحقيقي. التأمل بطريقة الساهاجا يوغا تقدم لنا هذا الإختبار.

رشحت شري ماتاجي مرتين لجائزة نوبل للسلام وحصلت على ميدالية السلام في 1989. وقد أسست تأمل الساهاجا يوغا التي تمارس في أكثر من 100 بلد

The Subtle System

The Subtle System. The Sahasrara (crown) chakra is number 7 in the above drawing.

“When you get your Self-realisation, you become the Spirit. And your attention is enlightened by that Spirit. You become a witness of the whole world, like a drama. This enlightened attention is a very powerful means of spreading divine vibrations”.

“Self-realization makes us humble … replace temper with compassion … the more innocent you are, the more blissful you will be”.

Shri Mataji – Founder of Sahaja Yoga

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Free 21 Day Courses

Follow-up on your Self-realisation with our free online meditation sessions offered in English | Français (French) | Italiano (Italian) | Deutsch (German) | 中文 (Chinese) | عربي (Arabic) | हिंदी (Hindi) | Read more.

More information

  • تقدم في لغات عديدة، نرجو الإنضمام على هذا الرابط: | Link.
  • تجدون المزيد عن حياة شري ماتاجي وارثها على هذا الرابط Link.
  • للصفوف المباشرة المنتشرة عالميا ام عبر الإنترنت  Link

Can’t wait? Learn more and receive your Self-realisation

To receive your Self-realization, join us and let yourself be guided through the simple process of Kundalini awakening and learn how to meditate. Suitable for newcomers and regular Sahaja Yoga meditators.

Above video is the recording from the Live Stream on 5th May 2019

“You must feel your depth.”

“Firstly, you must feel your depth. If you don’t feel your depth and you are not one with your personality which is so deep, then you cannot enjoy the Self-realisation. First of all, you should understand yourself. If you don’t understand yourself, how can you understand other people? You cannot. So first this Sahasrara should be opened out fully: ‘fully’ means complete oneness with the Divine. That is not difficult. Only you have to meditate a little bit and then it will work out. It has worked out in many people. I am very happy to see, and meet such people in Sahaja Yoga who have achieved such a lot of collectivity and also the awareness of a realised-soul.”

Shri Mataji – Sahasrara Day 5th May 2002 Italy