Please register your interest for our online courses so we can keep in touch with you via emails and WhatsApp.
Note: You do not need to register to participate in any of the courses.
Video recordings from the daily sessions are available here.
(Click below to expand to see session titles, descriptions and videos)
WEEK 1 - AWARENESS | Monday 6th to Sunday 12th June 2022
Day 1 Self-Realisation | Monday 6th June 2022 8PM (Sydney time)
“Self-Realisation is the connection with the all-pervading power of Divine Love.” – Shri Mataji 31/08/2001
Tonight we will go through the process of Kundalini awakening known as self realisation. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has developed this method of Kundalini awakening and achieving the state of true meditation which also known as thoughtless awareness.
Day 2 Desire, action and balance | Tuesday 7th June 2022 8PM (Sydney time)
“Within us God has bestowed three more powers too. First power is ‘power of desire’ second is ‘power of action’. And the third power is which we can say is the co-ordination of the two or balance or we can say is the middle path.” – Shri Mataji 22/04/1995
Today, we will learn on how to balance our left side where exists power of pure desire and right side where exists power of pure action and achieve the state of true meditation.
DAY 3: Your hands will speak | Wednesday 8 Jun 2022 8PM (Sydney time)
“Because the language of hands is a universal language. But “hands will speak” means these fingertips will be enlightened; and once they are enlightened, you will be able to understand.” 1982/10/20
In this session we will meditate on the seven energy centres in our subtle system known as chakras. These chakras are also located on the fingertips of our hands. When the Kundalini rises upward and pierces through the fontanel area, giving you the real Baptism, you start feeling the cool breeze in your hands.
DAY 4: Letting go of the past | Thursday 9 Jun 2022 8PM (Sydney time)
“All that is dead from the past, your knowledge, sorrows, troubles and all the plans about the future, hopes, disappointments, and all worldly things that are troubling you, leave them now at this moment, and get awakened.” 1975/01/21
Tonight lets meditate to strengthen our left channel which can become imbalanced due to past experiences. Only this moment is important. To get awakened in this moment, is Sahaja yoga, is spontaneous.
DAY 5: The future doesn't exist | Friday 10 Jun 2022 8PM (Sydney time)
“You will be always tossing on these waves of past and future while past is finished and future doesn’t exist.” 1981/05/10
In tonight’s meditation lets achieve the balance on the right side so that we can remain in the present moment to enjoy the state of thoughless awareness. The future doesn’t exist actually, it’s a myth.
DAY 6: The power of the Earth | Saturday 11 Jun 2022 8PM (Sydney time)
Power of the Earth
“The earth element is very sacred and its power is to absorb. No other element is so strong in absorbing.”1979/02/26
Mother Earth is a very powerful element that absorbs all imbalances, problems and negativities from our subtle system after our Self Realisation. Let’s experience this inner cleansing in tonight’s session.
DAY 7: Workshop One | Sunday 12 Jun 2022 8PM (Sydney time)
Tonight we will host the first of our Workshops for the series. We will be creating breakout rooms for small-group guided meditations based on the personal needs of those in the group. You will also have the opportunity to speak with an experienced practitioner and ask any questions you may have about your meditation practice. Note you must be on Zoom for an interactive experience. You can also join on YouTube for a guided meditation in the main room.
WEEK 2 - TRANSFORMATION | Monday 13th to Thursday 16th June 2022
DAY 8: Who am I? | Monday 13 Jun 2022 8PM (Sydney time)
“Just ask yourself a question, “Who am I? I am the Spirit. I am that eternal being. Have I become that?” “
In today’s session, let’s know who we truely are. Are we the myths we have been holding onto all these years of our lives ? Or are we the pure Divine energy residing in our hearts ? Let us find out on our Central Nervous System.
DAY 9: The Pure Attention | Tuesday 14 Jun 2022 8PM (Sydney time)
“And this pure attention becomes very powerful. With this attention, which is so pure, the person emits peace and joy. And creates a very holy atmosphere.”
Let us purify our attention in today’s session. Pure attention acts and solves problems. We are at our most powerful when our attention is steady and pure. Also, attention that is pure and light takes us into deeper meditative state.
DAY 10: Thoughtless Awareness | Wednesday 15 Jun 2022 8PM (Sydney time)
“As soon as you go into thoughtless awareness you will understand that you have come under the protection of God, and in thoughtless awareness, His light has come into you.”
As the lotus of Sahasrara opens , we go beyond our mind and ego and we enter into the kingdom of thoughtless awareness which is truth, joy, peace and reality. In this state nobody can touch us. Silence is our fortress. Let us meditate to experience this blissful state.
DAY 11: Kundalini-our Inner Mother | Thursday 16 Jun 2022 8PM (Sydney time)
“In all of us this Kundalini is placed there, and She is the Mother within us. Everyone has a very beautiful Mother placed in the Kundalini.”1980-06-13
Like our mother loves and nourishes us so does our Mother Kundalini. When She awakens, She nourishes, balances and integrates our being completely . She purifies us, enlightens innate qualities and establishes our union with all pervading power of Divine love. Let’s feel Her rise inside us and make us strong and beautiful from within.
WEEK 3 - PURE REFLECTION OF THE DIVINE | Friday 17th to Sunday 26th June 2022
DAY 12: Innocence | Friday 17 Jun 2022 8PM (Sydney time)
“Innocence Is The Spirit , Spirit Is The Innocence.” Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi 30.08.1992.
In Sahaj Yoga, we become innocent through thoughtless awareness. When we are innocent, we stop reacting, we do not get involved with discussions or arguments. We just watch and the innocence within us rises beautifully. Innocence is a virtue of the Mooladhara Chakra located at the base of our spine. In this session we meditate on our connection to the power of innocence within.
DAY 13: Creativity | Saturday 18 Jun 2022 8PM (Sydney time)
With Love all kind of creative action takes place . And as Love will increase, your creativity will develop. If there is no Love there is no creativity. Shree Mataji Nirmala Devi. 14.01.1983.
The Swathisthana chakra is responsible for creativity in human beings. It gives novel ideas of creativity, producing plans , pictures etc. It also exposes the human mind to abstract ideas by beaming them into his conscious mind. The scientific brain that captures innovative and original inventions about matter – its chemical as well as physical processes receives its impulses from this chakra . After self realisation a person who concentrates on this chakra can suddenly become a great artist. So tonight is when we enrich the creative powers of our Swathisthana.
DAY 14: Workshop 2 | Sunday 19 Jun 2022 8PM (Sydney time)
Tonight we will host the second of our Workshops. We will be creating breakout rooms for small-group guided meditations based on personal needs. You will also have the opportunity to speak with an experienced practitioner and ask any questions you may have about your meditation practice. Note you must be on zoom for an interactive experience. You can also join on YouTube for a guided meditation in the main room.
DAY 15: Peace | Monday 20 Jun 2022 8PM (Sydney time)
I wish Peace for the whole world. I wish Peace to all the countries, all the human beings, in their family, in their hearts. Shree Mataji Nirmala Devi.25.12.1981.
All the theories for universal peace, peace conferences etc. are not the living action of being. They do not bring peace. If there is a war within, there is a constant war without. Since, peace is an attribute of Nabhi Chakra, tonight we awaken our nabhi chakra to establish peace and satisfaction within and hence without.
DAY 16: Self-Mastery | Tuesday 21 Jun 2022 8PM (Sydney time)
“What is important is how much you know yourself, it is Self – realisation.” Shree Mataji Nirmala Devi.14.07.1984.
Having given the powers of realisation of our true self , tonight is when we cross the ocean of illusion , what we call as Void to become our own masters . We introspect and with humble heart we aspire to face ourselves and establish the eternal.
DAY 17: Security | Wednesday 22 Jun 2022 8PM (Sydney time)
“Feel your own security, then the joy of that security will take you to your depth.” 30/12/79.
Tonight we meditate on the centre heart where the qualities of self-confidence, fearlessness and security reside within us. When our centre heart is strong, not only do we feel protected, but we can give that sense of protection to others.
DAY 18: Witness | Thursday 23 Jun 2022 8PM (Sydney time)
“You are not bothered by small petty things of life because you become the witness of the play” 02/06/82
Tonight we meditate on the qualities of the vishuddhi chakra at the base of the throat. When this chakra is strong, we no longer react with anger, impatience judgement or guilt but we remain in the centre, where we are our most powerful.
DAY 19: Forgiveness | Friday 24 Jun 2022 8PM (Sydney time)
“And when you forgive, you have found that your tension goes away.” 22/04/84
Tonight we meditate on the power of the agnya chakra at the forehead. When we forgive, it is purely a gift to ourselves, releasing us from the past and allowing us to move freely in this moment.
DAY 20: Kingdom of God | Saturday 25 Jun 2022 8PM (Sydney time)
“First, you become thoughtlessly aware so you enter into the kingdom of God” 06/05/1984
Tonight we meditate on the topmost chakra on the crown of the head. When our attention goes beyond the mind, we enter into the Sahasrara, into the silence. Here, we are at our most powerful.
DAY 21: Workshop Three | Sunday 26 Jun 2022 8PM (Sydney time)
Tonight we will host the last of our Workshops for this series. We will be creating breakout rooms for small-group guided meditations based on personal needs. You will also have the opportunity to speak with an experienced practitioner and ask any questions you may have about your meditation practice. Note you must be on Zoom for an interactive experience. You can also join on YouTube for a guided meditation in the main room.
THE GOING DEEPER SERIES | From Wednesday 29 June 2022
DAY 22: The support of the universe - Mooladhara | Wednesday 29 Jun 2022 8PM (Sydney time)
“He is the support of our evolution. He is the end of evolution. [Shri Mataji: He is the support of the universe – Mooladhara.] He is the evolution from collective subconscious to collective consciousness. He is the narrow gate. He is the way to the Kingdom of Heaven.” “He sits at the support of the root of this creation and that’s why He was created before anything else. This was done so that the whole universe is filled with purity and remains immersed in purity and innocence.” In this session with the help of the elements of Mother Nature, we will purify our Mooladhara with footsoak incorporating the water, earth and fire. We’ll meditate on the qualities of Shri Ganesha and feel the effect of incorporating the use of sound and mantra.
DAY 23: The Divine essence of creating, sustaining and destroying - Swadisthana | Thursday 30 Jun 2022 8PM (Sydney time)
“And as love will increase, your creativity will develop. So the basis of all creativity of Saraswati is love. Without love there is no creativity.” Shri Saraswati’s powers reside in our swadistan chakra. When we are connected to Her powers, our attention can be sustained in the present, our ego and conditionings are destroyed, and our creations are pleasing to the Divine.
DAY 24: The Divine Mother of Peace - Nabhi | Wednesday 6 Jul 2022 8PM (Sydney time)
“Now, the description of Shri Lakshmi has been made so beautifully for us by our ancestors that Shri Lakshmiji is standing on a Lotus, meaning, she is not putting any pressure on any body. She does not show her big palm to anybody. In spite of being Shri Lakshmi herself, her one hand is shown in the form of giving, and from the other gives shelter. And two hands placed above in which there are lotus, pink in colour. The meaning of pink colour is that there is love for all in the heart.” Bring your footsoak bucket for this session of balancing and bringing us into the central channel to feel the qualities of generosity and love for ourselves any others.
DAY 25: The Divine power of protection - Anahata | Thursday 7 Jul 2022 8PM (Sydney time)
“She will look after you, She’ll go all out. If you have a mental problem She’ll try to solve. She’s a comforter. She gives you the comfort, at the same time She protects you.” During this session we work on our connection to the Goddess of the heart. When we are fully connected to her we are protected and have nothing to fear.
“The diplomacy is not convincing anybody with his intellect or by temper or anything but it is to melt away another person by your goodness, by your good words, by your sweet words, by your forgiving nature. This quality He had and He tried this on many people. It worked on some; it did not work on some. He didn’t feel it’s a failure. It’s the reaction of the another person which is important to be seen.” We will have a very sweet session working on the various methods to imbibe the qualities of Shri Krishna.
DAY 27: The Kingdom, the Power and the Glory - Agnya | Thursday 14 Jul 2022 8PM (Sydney time)
Actually, He came on Earth first of all to create a space within us, at the Agnya chakra, by removing of the hurdles of the ego.” In this session we meditate on the qualities of Jesus Christ within us; humility, forgiveness and compassion.
“…you belong to the government of God, and this government is extremely alert, very genuine, and also extremely efficient; and, as far as you are concerned, you are a citizen of that great Kingdom. So what you have achieved is the citizenship of this great Kingdom of God, where you should feel absolutely secured. The man who is secure is never afraid, never afraid.” We will give ourselves a head massage during our meditation tonight and try to feel the integration of all our chakras in our Sahasrara.
DAY 29: Crossing the Ocean of Illusion- The Void | Thursday 21 Jul 2022 8PM (Sydney time)
“So the guru’s job is to make you know what you are. That is the first step. That it starts that awakening within you by which you know that you are not this outside world, this is an illusion.” During this session we meditate on our Guru qualities so that we can remain within our own boundaries of truth.
DAY 30: Paramchaitanya & the Divine Mother | Wednesday 27 Jul 2022 8PM (Sydney time)
“The greatest mistake is to close one’s heart. However hurt one may be, remember that within, there is someone who always loves you. She is your individual Mother, your Kundalini”. Tonight we will meditate on the Paramchaitanya and try to feel the depth of love from constantly available from our Divine Mother
DAY 31: Expressing your recognition - Puja | Thursday 28 Jul 2022 8PM (Sydney time)
“The puja is to be done with full understanding and full recognition that it’s a great fortune”. Tonight we introduce puja, a way of showing gratitude for our self- realisation
DAY 32: Hamsa, Lalitha and Shri Chakras | Wednesday 3 Aug 2022 8PM (Sydney time)
“Is the Abstract, the Inner Current of all this Universe that is created, it’s Pranava itself which is so pure, complete purity within yourself, absolute purity. Nothing but vibrations. That is only possible through developing your vibratory awareness and your discrimination.” “In every created world, in every particle, in every form, there is a power which gives us joy. This power is the power of Shri Lalita.” Tonight we will meditate on strengthening our vibratory awareness by putting attention of some of the sub chakras.
DAY 33: How the Universe was created | Thursday 4 Aug 2022 8PM (Sydney time)
“God has created the whole creation with His Divine Love and has filled it with purity. The whole creation is absolutely pure. Whatever is impure, low quality and bad in this world has been made only by humans, because human being is the only living being who has freedom. Rest of the creation, dances and acts according to the desire of God. Not a single leaf of a tree moves without His dictates.” . Tonight we will meditate on the States of existence and the creation of Deities and incarnations.
Meditation Guides to download, meditative music, video and audio meditations and more resources and materials from this Course are available here.
Some information here is very ‘advanced’, so you should ensure you have completed the whole course and are regularly meditating so you can appreciate the information. Please don’t hesitate to ask questions about the material during the Course sessions or when you are in contact with one of our mentors.
About the Course
With Sahaja Yoga meditation, our awareness becomes enlightened – expanding our being and bringing about our inner transformation. This transformation gives us mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well being.
Everyday, for 21 days, newcomers and regulars will be guided by our online team. One on one sessions, group practise and workshops will be available.
This is a spiritual meditation, awakening our inner energy that gently brings about positive change within us. We become more balanced, peaceful and joyous. Sahaja Yoga Meditation is volunteer run, always free and practised in more than 100 countries.
Join with Zoom for interactive sessions or watch on YouTube. All sessions are recorded so you can also watch sessions to suit your time zone or schedule.
“We are all part and parcel of one country. And that country is of love.” – Shri Mataji (founder)
About Sahaja Yoga meditation
Through Sahaja Yoga meditation, we awaken our inner energy that gently brings about positive change within us – we feel more balanced, peaceful and joyous. As you participate in the daily sessions, you will notice the gap between your thoughts increasing and you will feel more relaxed, peaceful and spiritual.
Millions around the world are enjoying our free Sahaja Yoga Meditation since it was started by HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi on 5th May,1970. Her meditation enables en-masse Self-Realisation. Self-Realisation is the key to thoughtless awareness, also known as mental silence, and is the basis of good health and wellbeing. Sahaja Yoga meditation provides this experience.
Sahaja Yoga Meditation is always free and is practiced in more than 100 countries.