21 Day Chinese Course Resources
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- How to Meditate at Home – The aim of every meditation is to feel balanced, relaxed and reach the thoughtless state and sustain yourself there as long as you can. This guide show you steps for your morning and evening meditations.
Materials Required
- Shri Mataji’s photograph in a frame (recommended natural material)
- Candle and candle stand
- A clean pedestal or table for the photograph and candle
Having this simple and beautiful setup at your home will not only help you get into the practice of meditation, but will also create a positive balance and energy in your home.
Try it yourself and see the difference…
We have found that by meditating in front of Shri Mataji’s photographs, our Subtle system comes into balance and is cleared through the positive vibrations that are emitted from her photographs. As result, we become more relaxed and calmer as we experience the inner joy of the Spirit in our heart. We follow the traditional respect and protocol of not placing our feet pointing towards the meditation table and meditate with shoes removed. We can sit on a chair or floor, whichever is the most comfortable.
If you wish to use Shri Mataji’s photograph, then it’s best to place the photo in a frame and use a small candle in front of the photo when meditating.
You can download Shri Mataji’s photos from the section below “RESOURCES – Shri Mataji’s Photos for Meditation” or contact us at [email protected]
Use this Guide to learn simple meditation and balancing techniques to help you experience the peace of true meditation. If this is your first meditation, then please follow the ‘Affirmation for Meditation’ steps for your Self-Realisation to activate your inner-being.
能量中心 – 轮穴:
1. 根轮 (纯真)
1a. 昆达里尼灵量 (母性能量)
2. 腹轮 (创造力)
3. 脐轮 (和平)
3a. 幻海 (导师原理)
4. 心轮 (爱和慈悲心)
5. 喉轮 (集体性)
6. 额轮 (宽恕)
7. 顶轮 (整合)
灵量通道 – 经脉:
A. 右脉 (身体和思维活动)
B. 左脉 (情感和欲望)
C. 中脉 (升进和灵性成长)
- 我们的右脉(黄线),掌管我们身体,创造和思维活动。它是关于行动和未来的经脉。
- 我们的左脉(蓝线),管理着我们的情感和欲望。它是关于我们过去的经脉。
- 中脉(白线),掌管着我们的自动运作(心跳,等等。。。)。当我们获得自觉时,昆达里尼灵量在中脉升起。它是我们灵性进化的通道,是当下。
- 轮穴 – 梵文中“chakra”的意思是“轮”。这些能量中心(如上图中1到7)与我们身体里的主要神经丛相对应。每一个轮穴都有它自己的特质。
在你们当地的每周课程中,我们会教授指导这些技法。这些都是免费的。 你可以在你的国家找到我们的免费课程。
自觉 – 昆达里尼母性能量的唤醒
- 一个泡脚盆: 塑料或金属材质的。在泡脚盆中放入冷水或者温水。如果可以的话,当你将脚平放入泡脚盆中时,水深应该超过你的脚踝。
- 半杯食盐。(不要用泻盐)
- 结束时用来冲脚的装了清水的壶或者瓶子
- 冲完脚后用来擦干脚的毛巾或纸巾
- 放在烛台里或者固定在一个盘子里的一支小蜡烛。
- 火柴/打火机。
拉加择选,拉加(口诀歌),是针对精微能量系统的各个能量中心的印度经典音乐模式。 Subtle System. 冥想的时候听这种音乐,可以帮助清理各能量中心。
狄洁里都号角 代表着位于脊柱底部的根轮的土元素的声音。这个能量中心的特质是纯真和智慧。它在中澳大利亚的乌鲁鲁彰显(艾尔斯岩)。根轮的象征形象是象头的孩子 – 锡吕·格涅沙。
美丽的赞美我们内在的母亲和永恒的灵的虔诚的音乐。由来自印度加尔各答的以霎哈嘉音乐,苏菲音乐和卡瓦利音乐而闻名的音乐人Anandita Basu演唱。Anandita从4岁起就跟随她的母亲和音乐导师,Anjana Basu教授学习印度传统音乐。
Vishwa Shanthi – 全宇宙的静默
来自印度已故P.K. Salve的音乐和美术学院的演奏。
- 更多冥想音乐 – 帮助增强冥想体验的音乐择选。
- 霎哈嘉瑜伽冥想初学者指南 (PDF format 11MB size)
- 骨盆丛——位于我们脊柱的底部。
- 腹主动脉丛——位于骶骨上方,在腹部。
- 太阳神经丛——位于肚脐水平。
- 心丛——位于胸骨水平,在心脏区域。
- 颈丛 – 照顾耳朵、鼻子和喉咙区域。
“这个能量中心位于两眉之间。两只眼正好代表左右两边。这个能量中心很受我们的眼、耳、鼻、舌、牙齿和喉部所引领。它是个十分重要的中心,因为喉轮必须照顾十六块花瓣,这些花瓣又照顾着这些不同的器官。而且它必须与宇宙大我(Virata 维罗达)联系,因此就必须穿越这个明善轮中心。明善轮是个非常重要的中心,在我们的意识中会表现出吉祥。意思是:假如这个中心能够警醒和得到唤醒,我们就可以立刻知道甚么是吉祥,甚么是不吉祥……我们获得上天的明辨能力。我想这是人类遗传基因的一部分,才会令人有明辨善与恶、建设与破坏的能力。。。透过明善轮而来的灵体之光会给你智慧。智慧不是指你知道怎样去与人争吵或斗争……智慧是指你如何凡事看见美好一面并享受它。并且避免任何有害的事物,只做有益的事。明智的人会保护自己。”(1992/09/13)
如果你想使用锡吕·玛塔吉的照片,那么最好将照片放在相框中,并在冥想时在照片前放一支小蜡烛。如果您希望我们通过电子邮件将其他锡吕·玛塔吉(不同尺寸)的照片发送给您以供您冥想,请联系我们 [email protected]
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- 4″ x 6″ (10 x 15厘米) 1800 x 1200像素。每张图片的平均文件大小约为250KB。
- 6″ x 8″ (15 x 20厘米) 2400 x 3200像素。每张图片的平均文件大小约为350KBs。
如何下载: 要下载图像,请右键单击“下载”链接并将文件保存到您的计算机或设备。
这本小册子将帮助您 更多地了解精微能量系统 ,以及如何用引导语和口诀 来加强您的冥想体验。学习如何进一步启发自己的内在系统;如何识别和清除你精微的堵塞;以及如何加深和享受无思虑觉知的静默。
- 资源区 – 精微能量系统/能量中心、术语表、可打印的指南、冥想音乐、视频和音频冥想、平衡技法和锡吕·玛塔吉(创始人)的讲话。
- 更多关于霎哈嘉瑜伽 – 什么是冥想?谁可以冥想?费用是多少?谁来教冥想?入门。
- 更多关于锡吕·玛塔吉 – 霎哈嘉瑜伽冥想的创始人。锡吕·玛塔吉静静地改变了生命。四十多年来,她周游世界,为所有人提供免费的公开讲座和自觉的体验,不分种族、宗教或环境。
- Nirmala Vidya Amruta – 如果您想查找特定的疾病/问题和锡吕·玛塔吉对此的解决方案,请参考锡吕·玛塔吉的讲话。
- 冥想音乐– 精选音乐以增强冥想体验。
- 儿童资源 – 想要让孩子们的冥想变得与众不同和有趣的霎哈嘉瑜伽士父母可以参考。 (网站密码是 Gananayaka)
- 在 YouTube、Facebook 和 Zoom 上进行在线每日冥想。
- 音频播客网站 – Apple播客 – Google播客。
- 视频播客网站 – Apple播客。
- 霎哈嘉瑜伽士的经历 – 霎哈嘉瑜伽士分享他们的经历、与锡吕·玛塔吉的相遇以及霎哈嘉瑜伽练习的回忆的重新收集。了解锡吕·玛塔吉的生平,欣赏30多年来在五大洲拍摄的照片。
- 全球中心 – 遍布100多个国家。
- 订阅时事通讯 – 收到在线活动、工作坊和其他活动的通知。
- 联系我们 – 如果您对我们的冥想有任何疑问,请随时联系我们。
While participating in our sessions, you will come across several terms that may be new to you. This is an overview of the most commonly used terms…
All Pervading Power
God Almighty. Known by many names including Shiva, Allah and Yaweh.
The faculty of applying the mind and interest. Under pressure it can become short-spanned and undisciplined but through Sahaja Yoga Meditation the faculty can become focused and productive.
Balancing and Clearing
If the attention is majorly focused on right-sided activities (thinking, action, the future) or left side (reflection, emotion, the past) blockages can occur. Meditative clearing removes these blockages and allows the system to gain balance in the centre (mental silence, peace, now).
Catches occur when the efficient function of chakras is impaired. These catches block the passage of kundalini and are the causes of varying problems. When these damaged charkras are repaired through meditation the problems disappear.
Central Channel
This is the channel through which the kundalini flows. It is opened when self realisation takes place and it is the through-flow of kundalini which brings about real and enriching meditation.
These are the subtle energy centres located at the main nerve plexuses along the spine. There are seven main chakras in the human system and they relate to stages of evolution, the seventh, at the top of the head being activated by self realisation.
Cool Breeze
The energy manifested from the top of the head when self realisation takes place. It can be felt as a warmish breeze-like sensation. After meditation the energy cools down and is known as the cool breeze.
Difference between Yoga and Meditation
Yoga is the union of the kundalini with the great energy of creation that surrounds us (self realisation). Meditation takes place as a result of that joining.
Spiritual teacher, guide. Someone with their self realisation who assists others to gain their yoga.
The mothering energy that resides in the sacrum bone at the base of the spine. When self realisation takes place this energy uncoils, rising through the chakras and the top of the head.
Inner Peace
Being free from mental activity. Not being concerned with memory or plans but being in the ‘now’.
Happens when deep meditation takes place. A all-embracing sense of relaxed well-being.
Kundalini Awakening
Kundalini resides in three-and-a-half coils at the base of the spine. When self realisation or kundalini awakening takes place, this energy uncoils and rises through the chakras to manifest at the top on the head.
Left Channel
This rises along the left side of the spine but at the forehead it crosses into the right hemisphere of the brain to become the superego. It is concerned with emotion, the past, insecurity, conditioning and, if the attention becomes heavily focused into it, it can cause depression and many painful diseases.
It is a state of relaxation without mental activity. It is calming, peaceful and opens the inner pathways to health, knowledge and spiritual deepening.
Right Channel
This rises along the right side of the spine but at the forehead crosses into the left hemisphere of the brain to become the ego. It is concerned with action, the future, planning and, if the attention becomes heavily focused into it, it can cause anger, tensions and many painless diseases.
Sahaja Yoga Meditation
The word ‘Sahaja’ in Sanskrit has two components: ‘Saha’ is ‘with’ and ‘ja’ is ‘born’ – the literal translation is “innate”. Yoga means union with the divine. So, Sahaja Yoga means spontaneous and born with you meaning that the kundalini is born within us and can be awakened spontaneously, without effort. This is Self Realisation
Self Realisation
This is the yoga, the union, the joining of the individual spirit with the great energy of creation. It happens when the kundalini (life force) rises from its home in the sacrum bone along the spine and pierces the fontanelle at the top of the head.
Shri Mataji
The founder of Sahaja Yoga. She was born in 1923 in Chhindwara, India. Her father was a lawyer who spoke fourteen languages and was the first Christian Member of the Indian Parliament. Her mother was the first woman in India to receive an honours degree in mathematics. The family was deeply involved in the Indian fight for independence. Shri Mataji married C.P. Shrivastava, a diplomat who became Secretary General of the UN Maritime Organisation. She has two daughters and four grandchildren. In 1970 she discovered a way of granting spontaneous self realisation. She then travelled the world holding programs, giving self realisation and informing people of Sahaja Yoga.
The reflection of divinity within each human subtle energy system.
An intense interest in the non-material aspects of life, reality and existence after death
Subtle System
The network of chakras, channels and kundalini which define the nature of a human being at any given time. (See more here)
Thoughtless Awareness
Is meditation. All thinking stops although the consciousness of sounds around us remains. The traditional name for this very pleasant and rewarding state is mental silence.
The cool pulsing that a realised person feels (often on the palms of the hand) when the attention is focused on something or someone in balance.
The pathway to, and gaining of, self realisation. Rajah Yoga is the pathway along the right channel, Bakthi Yoga uses the left channel ‘Sahaja means born-with or spontaneous. So Sahaja Yoga draws attention to the fact that the union (self realisation) can be gained spontaneously by way of mechanisms one is born with.