All day online meditations – Celebrating 50 years of Sahaja Yoga Meditation

On Tuesday 5th May 2020, we celebrate 50 years of Sahaja Yoga meditation.

To mark this special event, we are hosting introductory meditation sessions throughout the day on YouTube with guided meditations, music, discussions and talks by Shri Mataji, founder of Sahaja Yoga.

As someone who has enjoyed the experience of Sahaja Yoga meditation, we are asking you to share this event with everyone! Your family, friends, colleagues & social media contacts.

Online meditation sessions

Tuesday 5th May 2020, 7AM to 10PM (Sydney time)
For newcomers and regular meditators

‘Freedom & Liberation’ Documentary

Tuesday 5th May 2020, 6PM (Sydney time)
The life and times of Shri Mataji and her Sahaja Yoga movement

How to share the events

Share the following link which has further details and links to YouTube

Our webcast events page

Our YouTube webcast channel

Missed a webcast?

Visit our YouTube Channel for upcoming live streams and past webcasts or go to our Webcast page.

More information & resources

We hope you can join us on YouTube!

Kind regards,
Sahaja Yoga Meditation Australia