China & Australia presentation
Inner Peace Meditation & Music
Saturday 12th December 2020 10.45PM (Sydney)
Program is presented in English and Mandarin
Sadanand博士在澳大利亚的珀斯通过“Nirmala无国界艺术沙龙” 线上活动为大家演奏印度古典音乐。
“Nirmala无国界艺术沙龙” – 简称NAWF,是一项公益活动,由一群热爱艺术和生活的人创立,希望通过艺术点亮人们的心灵。 所有活动均是免费的。

Dr. Sadanand performs classical Indian music from Perth Australia during a live meditation session hosted by the ‘Nirmala Art Salon Without Frontiers’.
Dr. Sadanand uses Indian classical ragas to help deepen the experience of meditation around the world. World peace begins with inner peace.
“Nirmala Art Without Frontiers” – NAWF is a public welfare programs organized by a group of people who love art and life. The purpose is to connect people’s hearts through art. All events are free of charge.
- China: 7:45pm CST
- India: 5:15pm IST
- USA LA: 3:45am PDT
- USA NY: 6:45am EDT
- Italy: 12:45am CEST
- Sydney: 10:45pm AEST
- Convert to your local time
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- Facebook – Free meditation
- Facebook – NAWF