Lovely Sunshine of meditation and music from Perth Australia to China
Saturday 19th December 2020 10.45PM (Sydney)
Program is presented in English and Mandarin
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This concert will be performed by The Perth Bhajan Music Group. This group has been playing together for many years. The group composition changes from time to time as people come and go. The group members all practice Sahaja Yoga meditation as part of their daily lives.
The group has performed for audiences in Australia, in Indonesia and in Vietnam. Their music comes from many parts of the world and they sing in many languages including English, Hindi, Marathi, Urdu, Bengali, Sanskrit, Russian, German, Latin and Maori. The one requirement in their selection of songs is that they must be uplifting, recognising that Mothering energy which is present within the whole world providing the life force, and the connection between all of us. Changing Us. The style includes world music, folk, bhajan, qawwali, kirtan, lullabies and ballads. Some of our songs are the words of great poets such as William Blake, Kabir, Rabindranth Tagore and others.
The group are happiest when their music brings internal silence and peace, and just as happy if it makes you want to get out of your seat and dance.
The group hopes to bring some rays of sunshine from summer in Australia to winter in China.
This event is hosted by Sahaja Yoga meditation Australia and “Nirmala Art Without Frontiers” who host public welfare programs organized by a group of people who love art and life. The purpose is to connect people’s hearts through art. All events are free of charge.
本次活动由澳大利亚霎哈嘉瑜伽冥想和“Nirmala无国界艺术沙龙”举办,该沙龙是由一群热爱艺术和生活的人们创立的公益组织,目的是通过艺术点亮人们的心灵。 所有活动均是免费的。

- China: 7:45pm CST
- India: 5:15pm IST
- USA LA: 3:45am PDT
- USA NY: 6:45am EDT
- Italy: 12:45am CEST
- Sydney: 10:45pm AEST
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