Webcasts ‘Coping with Stress’ & ‘Guided meditations’
We have two meditation webcasts this Thursday and Sunday to help everyone cope with the stresses impacting us and those around us.
We have two meditation webcasts this Thursday and Sunday to help everyone cope with the stresses impacting us and those around us.
In-person meditation classes temporarily suspended but we have regular live online meditations.
The panel of Sahaja Yoga meditation practitioners discuss and demonstrate techniques that have become Shri Mataji’s enduring legacy, around the world.
Webcast addresses the evolving challenges in the lives of women with meditation techniques to improve clarity and focus in times of uncertainty.
During this webcast, we will guide you through HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi’s unique meditation and present a history of Her life and spiritual work.
Webcast will focus on clearing and cooling the Right Swadishthana and Nahbi Chakras which are the seat of pure attention.