Newcomers and regulars will learn how to meditate and experience true meditation. Over the 3 weeks, you’ll be guided daily by our online team through the three levels of knowledge and meditation experiences from Beginner to Intermediate to Advanced. One on one help and workshops with group practice will be available. Join in at anytime, even if you miss some sessions.
“When you become the Spirit, your attention gets enlightened into collective consciousness – it becomes, because this Spirit in you is the collective being.” – Shri Mataji (founder)
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Please register your interest other courses, so we can keep in touch with you via email and WhatsApp.
Note: You do not need to register to participate in any of the courses.
Video recordings from the online sessions are available here.
(Click below to expand to see session titles, descriptions and videos)
Week 1 (Days 1 to 7) Beginners sessions - Growing your Awareness | Monday 1st to Sunday 7th August 2022
DAY 1: KNOW WHO WE REALLY ARE. | Monday 1st August 2022
Beyond our mind, emotions, beyond the material world that surrounds us, we are something much higher, more subtle. With Sahaja Yoga meditation find your true Self and know who you really are.
DAY 2: COPING WITH STRESS. | Tuesday 2nd August 2022
How does balance help to manage stress? We cover how to create balance in ourselves and maintain balance in our daily lives.
Yoga classes have become popular, with a plethora of activities and techniques being proposed. Yoga has been practiced for thousands of years in India and serves a specific purpose for our spiritual and human growth. In this session, we will explore the meaning, origin and purpose of yoga as well as discover how its essence can be experienced in modern time.
DAY 4: LIVING IN THE PRESENT | Thursday 4th August 2022
Living in the present moment: A How To guide.
Meditation is not an activity, it is a state where we are in thoughtless awareness. With Sahaja Yoga, learn how to enjoy the present moment, beyond the past that is already gone and the future that doesn’t exist yet.
DAY 5: IMPROVING OUR ATTENTION | Friday 5th August 2022
Our fast paced and connected world is constantly pulling our attention outside, towards material and superficial things. When focused inside through meditation, discover how our attention can become effective in all aspects of our lives.
DAY 6: HEALTH BENEFITS OF MEDITATION | Saturday 6th August 2022
Our overall health can benefit from regular meditation. Learn how improving our subtle system within us will improve our physical, mental and emotional well being.
DAY 7: LETTING GO OF THE PAST | Sunday 7th August 2022
Truth is beyond beliefs and conditionings from personal experiences and background. Let go of the past with meditation, and build a deeper understanding of our emotional and mental framings.
Week 2 (Day 8 to Day 14) Intermediate Sessions - Balancing your Awareness | Monday 8th to Sunday 14th August 2022
DAY 8: MAKING OUR INNOCENCE SHINE | Monday 8th August 2022
Once your awareness is stabilised in moments of thoughtless awareness above the thoughts you start to identify with the higher you. From that pleasant place we start the job of polishing and cleaning away any irregularities we feel so that all our beautiful qualities shine. Today we will focus on the first energy centre, the Mooladhara Chakra.
Are the thoughts thinking you? Or are you thinking thoughts? Cooling down our second energy centre, the Swadisthan Chakra, slows down an out of control thinking process.
Hungry for something, but you don’t know what? Real satisfaction comes from your connection to your higher self.
DAY 11: SHARING THE LOVE | Thursday 11th August 2022
Our spirit resides in our heart and is the source of feeling good. Sharing this feeling makes it grow.
DAY 12: TALKING THE TALK | Friday 12th August 2022
The power of our communication is directly affected by our ability to witness the drama of life. When we are reacting to something said to us, we are not aware of ourselves. Yet if we just watch the drama we find we are able to say something sweet and beneficial to the other.
DAY 13: FORGIVING THE THOUGHTS | Saturday 13th August 2022
If we can forgive and see what is the state of being of the other person instead of reacting and reliving the injustice we free ourselves from mental barriers.
DAY 14: INTEGRATING ALL THE QUALITIES | Sunday 14th August 2022
As we bring our entire energy system more into balance, we can feel the integration at the seventh energy centre and expand our thoughtless awareness.
Week 3 (Day 15 to Day 21) Advanced Sessions - Deepening your Awareness | Monday 15th to Sunday 21st August 2022
DAY 15: THE SOUNDS OF SILENCE | Monday 15th August 2022
The effect of sound and the names of Divine incarnations on our chakras.
DAY 16: PURE KNOWLEDGE AND CREATIVITY | Tuesday 16th August 2022
When we purify our attention we increase our access to pure knowledge and inspiration.
DAY 17: PEACE AND CONTENTMENT | Wednesday 17th August 2022
Acquiring in order to share increases our satisfaction.
When we are connected to our spirit in thoughtless awareness we can rely on our mother energy to fearlessly make right decisions.
Our power of collectivity consciousness manifests when we witness the drama of life and not get into imbalance, we become one with the world and affect our environment positively.
DAY 20: RESURRECTING OURSELVES | Saturday 20th August 2022
Leaving our past and future behind to meditate in the present in mental silence.
DAY 21: INTEGRATING ALL THE QUALITIES | Sunday 21st August 2022
All the Divine incarnations have their seats in the Sahasrara. Feel the power of the names of Divine incarnations to deepen our meditation.
Meditation Guides to download, meditative music, video and audio meditations and more resources and materials from this Course are available here.
Some information here is very ‘advanced’, so you should ensure you are participating in the course and are regularly meditating so you can appreciate the information. Please don’t hesitate to ask questions about the material during the Course sessions or when you are in contact with one of our mentors.
This is a spiritual meditation where we awaken our inner energy that gently brings about positive change within us – we feel more balanced, peaceful and joyous. As you participate in the daily meditation sessions, you will notice the gap between your thoughts increasing and you will feel more relaxed, peaceful and spiritual.
About Sahaja Yoga meditation
Millions around the world are enjoying our free Sahaja Yoga Meditation since it was started by HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi on 5th May,1970. Her meditation enables en-masse Self-Realisation. Self-Realisation is the key to thoughtless awareness, also known as mental silence, and is the basis of good health and wellbeing. Sahaja Yoga meditation provides this experience.
Sahaja Yoga Meditation is always free and is practiced in more than 100 countries.