
Guided collective meditation sessions generally include basic training, balancing, talks and discussions on a topic of the day.

  • Sahaja Yoga meditation classes are free and suitable for both complete beginners and regular meditators.
  • No prior knowledge or experience of meditation required.
  • Chairs are provided. No physical exercises, postures or special clothing are required.
  • No booking required. Class duration is 60 to 90 minutes.
  • Evening and some daytime classes are available.
  • If you have tried our meditation before, then visit our Resources page.
  • Also check out our Latest News section for other special meditation, webcasts, music and workshop events around Australia.
  • To receive news about our special events, join our mailing list.
  • Please call ahead to ensure that classes are open.

Human change for Climate change

Awaken the meditative power of Mother Nature and become the change to positively affect your environment – Always Free

Celebrating 50 Years with special events Australia Wide
During March to May 2020

Music concerts • webcasts • exhibitions • meditation classes • workshops
See event locations below

About Sahaja Yoga meditation

Started in 1970
Started by Shri Mataji in 1970, Sahaja Yoga meditation provides the awakening of a transformational potential within you.

With simple Sahaja Yoga techniques, everyone is able to experience silent meditation and develop a relationship with Mother Nature that is nurturing and healing. By bringing about peace and balance in ourselves, we positively affect our families, our environment, our nations and our world. We can truly understand the link between our Self and Sustainability.

The Subtle system showing the 7 main chakras (energy centres).

Millions have been introduced
Over the past 50 years, millions have been introduced to Sahaja Yoga meditation which is offered free of charge. Our weekly classes, one-day workshops and webcasts provide group meditations where participants experience the inner silence of true meditation and learn balancing and clearing methods of the subtle system. Individual meditation at home, for a few minutes each day, further deepens the experience of thoughtless awareness and a deep and loving connection with Mother Nature.

Event locations around Australia in 2020

Australian Capital Territory
Friday 27th March
6pm to 7pm
Meditation event
Civic Library
(Mezzanine Level)
Civic Square, London Circuit, Canberra Civic.
Enquiries: Kamlesh 0421 502167
Sunday 26th April
10am to 12pm
Meditation event
Sahaja Yoga Meditation Centre
77 Chewing Street, Scullin
Enquiries: Kamlesh 0421 502 167 or Lyn 0410 177 822
Sunday 3rd May
10am to 11:30am
Meditation event
Australian National Botanic Gardens
Black Mountain, Clunies Ross Street, Acton
Enquiries: Sarah 0416 435 278 or Lyn 0410 177 822
New South Wales
Friday 27th March
Meditation & Music Event
The University Of Sydney
Messel Lecture Theatre
Sydney Nanoscience Hub (A31)
Physics Rd, Camperdown
Enquiries: Leanne 1300 724 252
Google map
Thursday 16th April
Meditation Event
Wollongong Library
41 Burelli St, Wollongong
Enquiries: Margaret 0412 072 280
Google map
Saturday 18th April
Meditation & Music Event
Melrose Hall
169 Great Western Hwy, Emu Plains
Enquiries: Shan 0449 881 330
Google map
Saturday 2nd May
Meditation & Music Event
Epping Community Hall
9 Oxford St, Epping
Enquiries: Patrick 0425 774 430
Google map
Saturday 19th September
Meditation & Music Event
Art House Theatre
19-21 Margaret Sreet Wyong
Enquiries: Diane 0404 183 179
Google map
Saturday 14th March
7PM to 9PM
Meditation and Music
Warner Hall
Merthyr Road Uniting Church
52 Merthyr Road, New Farm
Enquiries: 0438 781 413
Google Map
Saturday 28th March
1:30pm to 4pm
Arcadian Surf Life Saving Club
The Strand, North Ward
Enquiries: Edwin 0438 143 739
Google Map
South Australia
Adelaide - Burnside
Sunday 22nd March
Saturday 28th March
Saturday 4th April
3pm to 4.30pm
The Burnside Community Centre
Adjacent to Burnside Library,
Corner of Greenhill/ Portrush Road Adelaide
Enquiries: 0417 806 336
Google Map
Adelaide - Fullarton Park
Thursday 2nd April
7.30pm to 8.30pm
Fullarton Park Community Centre
411 Fullarton Road, Fullarton
Enquiries: 0417 806 336
Google Map
Sunday 15th March
12pm - 4pm
Meditation & Music
Whitehorse Global Fiesta
Stall 38 - Zone 2
Nelson Road
Box Hill Gardens, Box Hill
Enquiries: 0419 308 212
Saturday 28th March
9am to 6pm
Mother For All Exhibition
State Library Victoria
Hansen Hall
328 Swanston Street Melbourne
Enquiries: 0419 308 212
Western Australia

For these WA events, please contact Rachel on 0403 861 618

Saturday 14th of March,
1.30 - 3.00pm
Meditation event
Self and Sustainability
Public program in the City Library
573 Hay Street, Perth City
Saturday 14th of March
11.00am - 7.00pm
Thursday 7th May
6pm – 8pm
Meditation event
Awareness table in the entrance foyer at Bunnings Ellenbrook,
173 The Promenade, Ellenbrook
Sunday 15th of March
7am to 1pm
Sunday 22nd March
7am to 1pm
Self Realisation Stall
Fremantle Farmers Market
Fremantle College, Lefroy Rd, Beaconsfield
Saturday 21st March
3.30pm to 7.30pm
Self Realisation Stall
City of Belmont, Harmonise Cultural Festival
Faulkner Park, Cloverdale
Wednesday 25th March
Meditation event
Indian Society of WA,
58 Burrendah Blvd
Saturday 28th March

Self Realisation Stall
Farmers Market on Manning,
George Burnett Park
Corner Manning and, Elderfield Rd, Karawara
4th April at 9am
5th of April 12pm
Weekend Seminar
Sahaja Yoga Meditation Gidgegannup Centre,
1254 O'Brien Rd, Gidgegannup WA 6083
Tuesday 5thMay
World Realisation Day
Music and Meditation Program
South Perth Community Centre, South Terrace & Sandgate Street, South Perth

The Environment

Shri Mataji describes how all environment problems can be solved only spiritual, if you have spiritual ascent. Otherwise, you cannot.


How it started

On 5th May 1970, Shri Mataji opened the last chakra of our subtle inner-being. Shri Mataji describes the events that led up to that historical event and how She developed Her Sahaja Yoga meditation technique to benefit the spiritual ascent of all those who are seeking the Truth.

TV Interview

Shri Mataji describes how her Sahaja Yoga meditation can transform people and overcome imbalances.


About our free classes & workshops

A brief look at what happens at our classes and workshop with some nice feedback from our attendees.

Can’t make it to one of events?

Then visit a free class in your location.


We look forward to see you during 2020!

Sahaja Yoga Meditation Australia